6 September 2018


I. Call to Order.Chairman Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Joanna Massie, Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Julie Tikka was out with medical concerns. Also in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Shanta Milne – Kindergarten Teacher, Melissa Potts – 1stgrade Teacher; and 4 visitors: Ming Lovejoy, Petr & Hana Kukla, Joanna Russell.

II. Minutes: Shawn McDonoughmoved andJoanna Massie seconded approval of the minutes of the 9 August 2018 reorganizational meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

III. Public Participation / Correspondence:

A. Ming Lovejoy, stated her desire regarding the Wi-Fi tower is to help the board make a decision that is right, kind and in the best interest of the students, she noted that schools in France went back to school this year with no cell phones and removed their cell towers.

B. Email from Ming Lovejoy dated August 23, 2018 regarding the Wi-Fi tower was submitted.

C. Additional Public Comment regarding the Wi-Fi Tower (not part of the 30-day period) was submitted.

(Items B & C will also be included in the Special Meeting at 7:00 pm 6 September 2018)

IV. Information Items:

A. Lawsuit documentation filed by William Rogers regarding the Wi-Fi Tower Installation at 131 Creston Rd was submitted.

B. Lawsuit documentation filed by Hana & Petr Kukla regarding the Wi-Fi Tower Installation at 131 Creston Rd was submitted.

V. Reports:

A. Clerk: The Statement of Expenditure for September 2018 was submitted.

B. Principal: Student Enrollment is 103. The public comment period regarding the Wi-Fi tower closed August 30, 2018 at 5:00pm and two copies of all documents are available to the general public upon request. An artist in residence will be brought in this fall to work on an art project with our students to fulfill our $1,499 art grant award.  Building Maintenance: bids on roof/gutter heat tape installation to help remedy ice dam issues are being sought out.  All staff participated in First Aid/AED refresher training as well as Suicide Prevention training.  Three teachers and Mrs. Ward will participate with the NWRISE program this year.  The new Cooperative Director will be out to visit and assess our needs later this month.  The Special Education Cooperative has the new building on hold, but has set up a preschool in their conference room. The Safety Committee will meet once a month for the 2018/2019 school year and the first meeting will be September 12th. The bus has been repaired and is in use; we are waiting for the invoice and will report on the cost at a future board meeting.  The Before School Care Program is off to a smooth start.

C. Staff: Mrs. Milne reported a summary of each classroom topics and events.

VI. Policies:

A. Policy 1400 Board of Trustees – Board Meetings (Revised) (2ndReading).Joanna Massie moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded the motion to approve the policy with the time and date revision of 7:00 a.m. on the 2ndThursday of each month.  Motion passed unanimously.

VII. Consideration of Action Items:

A. The Mountain View Mennonite Church Child Care has requested to use our facility as an emergency relocation site. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded to approve the Emergency Relocation Shelter Agreement for the Mountain View Mennonite Church Child Care Program.  Motion passed unanimously.

B. The Flathead Crossroads Program is an extension of special education services at Evergreen Schools. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the Flathead Crossroads Interlocal Agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

C. An RSVP or the option to be represented by proxy to MSGIA’s Annual Meeting, October 19, 2018 was presented, as was the Election of Directors. Shawn McDonough moved and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the nominees as presented and authorize the proxies to vote upon such matters as may properly come before the meeting and all adjournments thereof.Motion passed unanimously.

D. Substitute Teacher List. No personnel to recommend at this time.  No motion needed.

E. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the Transportation Contracts as presented.Motion passed unanimously.

F. Joanna Massie moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the Before School Care Contracts as presented.Motion passed unanimously.

G. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the Out-of-District Requests by students choosing Creston School as their district of choice, as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

H.Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the gym use by the Bigfork Girl Scouts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

VIII. Claims: The Board approved all claims for September 2018.

IX. Next Meetings Dates:

  • 6 September 2018, 7:00 p.m. Special Meeting
  • 11 October 2018, 7:00 a.m. Regular Meeting

Meeting adjourned at 7:39 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                                                  _______________________

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk                                                   Matt Hartle, Chairman