12 August 2019
I. Call to order. Matt Hartle, Board Chair, called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. in the Creston School Library. The following members were present: Joanna Massie, Shawn McDonough and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Also, in attendance were Tami Ward – Principal and Tammy Bartos – District Clerk.
II. Minutes of 13 June 2019. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information Item:
A. Wi-Fi Tower Installation – Update. MontanaSky connected our internet service to the tower the end of June. Landscaping at the tower site is planned for the fall.
B. 2017-2018 Audit Report. Full copies of the report were distributed to the Board.
C. Trustee Resignation – Tikka. Julie Tikka has resigned. Her term expires May 2020.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure includes Payroll and Claims through 12 August 2019. Balanced to County Treasurer for April, May and June 2019. Bus Accident Insurance Claim – costs came in under reimbursed amount, so a refund is being issued back to MSPLIP with this month’s warrants. Before School 2018-19 Summary – Expenses exceeded Revenues by $89 for the year.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment for the start of the school year is currently at 115. Building Maintenance – bathrooms painted, teacher’s lounge stairs repaired, trees and shrubs trimmed as well as numerous other projects. Grants – working on possible grants for new gym bleachers and thicker mats under the climbing wall and cargo net. Also, annual Title I, II, IV and V funds. School Facility Conditions Inventory Report – Various projects completed or in the works this summer including septic pumped, roof heat tape on annex, grade and gravel the bus zone, new carpet tile in hallway, new flooring in bathrooms. Teacher Professional Development – Several teachers and Tami attended a conference in Missoula and learned innovative teaching and learning strategies. Also, several teachers will attend the STEAM conference and Northwest Reading Conference in Kalispell this month.
C. Staff. – nil.
VI. Policies:
A. 2000 Series, (See Attachment for complete list) – 2nd reading. Reviewed policies in the 2000 Series as per the MTSBA recommendations. Minor adjustments were noted, primarily grammatical issues. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen motioned, and Shawn McDonough seconded to adopt the 2000 Series policies as presented, with noted changes as per today’s discussion, to replace and update our existing 2000 series policies. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 2221, 7320, 7405 and policies and forms for purchasing policies– 1st reading. A first read of these noted policies and forms was performed.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. 2018-2019 Trustees Financial Summary. The TFS is the school district’s official submission of annual financial information to the County Superintendent and State Superintendent under section 20-9-213, MCA. The report is also used in determining various allocations of state and federal grants. Joanna Massie moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the report as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 2019-2020 Budget. The budgeting process begins many months prior to the final report being presented. Total proposed district mill levies for fiscal year 2019-20 reflect a 5.8 decrease from 2018-19. Shawn McDonough moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the budget report as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Approval to hire substitute Janitor. In order to be prepared for times when the regular janitor is unavailable approval for a substitute was requested. Shawn McDonough moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval to hire a substitute Janitor as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Classified Staff Contract Renewals & Compensation for FY20. Two contracts for Classroom, Playground & Lunchroom Aide were presented. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the personnel action item as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Cayuse Prairie – Creston School Transportation Interlocal FY20. Cayuse Prairie requests permission from Creston to pick up students in the Creston School district. Joanna Massie moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
F. Approval to replace broken ductless heat pump system in annex (2nd/3rd) building. The existing heat pump was damaged this winter due to ice. Shawn McDonough moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval to replace the unit as presented. Motion passed unanimously
G. Hold Harmless Agreements with Creston Fire Dept & Eastside Grange. In consideration of the use of the Creston Fire Department and the Eastside Grange as a temporary shelter for school children during a school emergency Creston School agrees to hold the respective parties harmless for any injuries or property damage arising out of such use. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the agreements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
H. Substitute Teachers List. Both a list of re-hires and new substitute teacher personnel were given, as well as use of the Flathead County Superintendent of Schools substitute list. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the personnel item as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Transportation Contract(s) – nil.
J. Before School Care Contract(s) – nil.
K. Out of District Request(s) – nil.
L. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). Tom Martinez requested use of the gym for the Martinez family and friends to play basketball, Wednesday’s from 6:30 – 9:00 pm, beginning ASAP through the end of May 2020. Joanna Massie moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the request as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Claims for June, July & August 2019. Board approved all claims as presented.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 12 September 2019, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. Policy Meeting with MTSBA – 4 September 2019, 4:00 pm
X. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk Matt Hartle, Board Chair
R = required
R 2000 Goals
R 2100 School Year Calendar and Day
R 2105 Grade Organization
2110 Objectives
2113 Pre-Kindergarten Programs
R 2120 Curriculum and Assessment
2130 Program Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests
R 2132 Student and Family Privacy Rights
2140 Guidance and Counseling
R 2150 Suicide Awareness and Prevention
2151 Interscholastic Activities
2151F Assumption of Risk Sign-Off Form
R 2158 Family Engagement
R 2160 – 2160P Title I Parent Involvement
R 2161 – 2161P Special Education
R 2162 – 2162P Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”)
2166 Gifted Program
2168 Distance Learning Courses
2170 – 2170P Digital Academy
2171 Significant Writing Program
2221 School Closure
R 2309 Library Materials
R 2310 – 2310P Selection of Library Materials
R 2311 Instructional Materials
R 2311P Selection, Adoption, and Removal of Textbooks and Instructional
R 2312 Copyright
R 2312P Copyright Compliance
R 2314 Learning Materials Review
2320 Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education
2322 Contests for Students
R 2330 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom
2332 Religion and Religious Activities
2334 Release Time for Religious Instruction
R 2413 Credit Transfer and Assessment for Placement
2420 Grading and Progress Reports
2421 Promotion and Retention
2430 Homework
R 2450 Recognition of Native American Cultural Heritage
2500 Limited English Proficiency Program
R 2510 School Wellness