11 June 2020
I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:09 a.m. in the Creston Gym. The meeting was also conducted via a Zoom Meeting platform to allow remote access. Members present were Arnold Bjork, Barry Farrell, Nevada Hafer, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk and Tami Ward – Principal. In attendance via Zoom: Jen Johnson – Teacher
II. Minutes of 14 May 2020 and 26 May 2020. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information Items:
A. COVID-19 / ESSER (CARES). The grant application has been completed. The award amount is $20,772. Timelines associated with the grant were shared as well as estimated/possible costs.
B. Video Surveillance/Door Access. Information and minutes from the 10 June 2020 and 21 May 2020 committee meetings were shared. Recommendations for action will be brought before the school board at a future meeting.
C. Summer Program Safe Practices & Student Contract Information. The summer program contract with students/families and staff safe practice procedures were shared.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. The Statement of Expenditure includes payroll and claims through 10 June 2020. The General Fund at 92% committed and the Grand Total of all Funds at 85%. The Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Audit is still on-going.
B. Principal. Predicting student enrollment for 2020/2021 at or above 115. Our kindergarten and first grade classrooms are near the enrollment limits. Area administrators will continue to meet throughout the summer to brainstorm ideas for opening schools in the fall should COVID-19 still be a concern. The following two books have been selected for our teaching staff next year: Embarrassment: And the Emotional Underlife of Learning, by Tom Newkirk and Dare to Lead, by Brene’ Brown. To be in compliance with new legislation all kindergarten, first grade, and new students will be screened for Dyslexia using a universal screener starting this fall. Updates on Cooperatives were also given.
C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google Slides presentation which highlighted student work and projects.
VI. Policies:
A. MTSBA Policy Recommendations. Policy 1909 which was adopted by the Creston Board 4/30/2020 was reviewed with an update in anticipation of the policy remaining in effect beyond the conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Arnold Bjork seconded to approve the changes to Policy 1909 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Creston School Calendar Change for 2020-2021. Arnold Bjork moved to approve changing the 2020-2021 Creston School Year Calendar to correctly reflect the Creston Auction Prep Days as April 8th and 9th. Barry Farrell seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Septic System. A memo from Jackola Engineering & Architecture, PC was shared to give a general description of the potential septic system and associated project costs. Information only was shared and discussed. No motion made.
C. NWMESA Agreement. The Northwest Montana Educational Service Agency founded in 1996 is an umbrella inter-local agreement which allows mingling of funds for educational purposes. Enrollment and fees occur every three years. Five divisions (branches) are currently in operation: Northwest Montana Educational Cooperative, Joint Purchasing, PIR Net, Health & Benefits Cooperative, Crossroads. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Nevada Hafer seconded approving the agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Classified Staff Contracts renewal or non-renewal 2020-2021 & Compensation. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Barry Farrell seconded approving the 2020-2021 Non-Renewal as well as the Contract Renewals and compensations as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Principal with Superintendent Duties Salary Negotiation & Contract 2020-2021. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Nevada Hafer seconded approving the Principal contract and compensation for 2020-2021 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
F. Teacher Contract JW 2020-2021. Still waiting on documents. No action at this time.
G. Clerk Salary Negotiation & Contract 2020-2021. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Barry Farrell seconded approving the Clerk contract and compensation for 2020-2021 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
H. Summer Program Considerations: Teacher Contracts. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Arnold Bjork seconded approving the teaching contracts for the June 15, 2020 – July 2, 2020 summer program as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Flathead Crossroads Interlocal Agreement 2020-21. The Flathead Crossroads Programs is an extension of special education services at Evergreen Schools and allows participating districts to provide educational services to meet the unique educational needs of students who have chronic emotional and behavioral needs with the specific intent of building skills necessary to facilitate reentry into the regular public school setting. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Arnold Bjork seconded approving the agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
J. Hire Aide for 2020/2021. No applications have been received. No action taken.
K. Bus Route(s) 2020-2021 & Interlocal Transportation Agreements. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Arnold Bjork seconded approving the routes and interlocal agreements with the morning route as presented, the afternoon route option 1 (with Sweet Pea Stop), and the Intermountain route as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
L. Bus Route to Intermountain for Summer 2020. Information only regarding a possible need for transportation to the Intermountain Summer Program. No action.
M. Individual Transportation Contract Approval (OPI Form TR-4). A contract for the 2020-2021 was presented. Arnold Bjork moved, and Barry Farrell seconded approving the contract as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
N. Authority to process claims June through August without convening a board meeting. Arnold Bjork moved, and Barry Farrell seconded authorizing the District Clerk to process claims from June through August without convening a board meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
O. American Red Cross Hold Harmless & Shelter Agreement – nil.
P. Gym & School Grounds Use request(s) – nil.
Q. Out of District Request(s) – Arnold Bjork moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded acknowledgement of receipt of the attendance agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Claims – June 2020. The trustees approved all claims as presented.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 25 June 2020, 10:00 am Special Board Meeting
B. 13 August 2020, 7:00 am Regular & Final Budget Meeting
X. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:54 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Matt Hartle, Board Chair