24 August 2021

I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:01 a.m. The meeting was held via a Zoom meeting platform. Present were Board Trustees Matt Hartle, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman and Nevada Hafer. Absent: Barry Farrell due to prior commitments. Also in attendance were Tami Ward, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, and Jennifer Johnson, Teacher and CEA President.
II. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
III. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Classified Employee Notice of Hire – Aide for 2021-2022. A correction for the aide position approved on August 12th: there has been at least a one-year break in service and a Notice of Hire is required instead of an employment contract. Jessica Sandven-Sorenson moved to approve the Classified Employee Notice of Hire for Pamela Choco with a probationary period as per Policy 5140. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Hourly Paid Classified Employees Stipend for 2021-2022. To maintain the operation of and continuity of services at our school and in light of statewide and national employee shortages, up to a $2,025 per annum stipend for a 1.0 FTE hourly paid classified employee was proposed. The stipend will be paid for each month of employment during which job duties have been performed and an approved timecard submitted. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved to approve the proposed one-time stipend to the listed classified employees as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. No new information shared. No action taken.
IV. Claims – August 2021 – nil.
V. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 September 2021, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 14 October 2021, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
VI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:24 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Matt Hartle, Board Chair