10 October 2019
I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:03 a.m. in the Creston School Library. The following members were present: Joanna Massie and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Absent: Arnold Bjork – planned absence; Shawn McDonough – planned absence. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tammy Ward – Principal, Jen Johnson – 2nd grade teacher and Deb Christiansen – Title teacher.
II. Minutes of 12 September 2019. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information Item: – nil.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure includes payroll and claims through 10 October 2019. General Fund is at 17% committed. Grand Total of all funds is at 15% committed.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is at 118. Building Maintenance and Facility Conditions reports were given and shared with the Board. There is a Flathead Electric Board Meeting tonight which Tami Ward will attend to present our bleacher project. Mrs. Ward will continue to work with MontanaSky regarding the landscaping at the tower site. Two teachers attended a writing professional development with consultant Kelly Boswell earlier this month; all teachers are continuing their learning on spelling instruction through continued study of the book Super Spellers; and in September Mrs. Ward and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen attended the MTSBA 2019 Back-to-School Legal Primer. The first benchmark assessments in math and reading have been completed. The safety committee for the 2019/2020 has been formed. The Education Cooperative had summer professional development offerings, many of which our teachers attended. The Special Education Cooperative hosted a benefit concert this month; Preschool services started September 16th in the new building; an offer on the old building has been received, proceeds from the sale will assist in completing renovations to the new building. J. Joy turned in his resignation as custodian this morning.
C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google slides presentation.
VI. Policies:
A. 5000 Series (see attached list) – 1st reading. Reviewed the policies in this series. No motion needed.
B. Substitute Custodian Job Description. Joanna Massie moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the job description as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Coaching Contracts – Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball. The Coaching contract for Boys Basketball was presented. The Girls Basketball contract will be presented next month. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded the contract for Teresa Mumm as the 5th/6th grade Boys Basketball Coach for the October -December 2019 Season as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Individual Transportation Contract Approval (OPI Form TR-4). One TR-4 Individual Transportation Contract was presented. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the contract as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Creston School Goals. Goals for the 2019/2020 school year regarding Writing, Discipline Referrals and Math were discussed with teachers at a recent meeting and shared with the trustees by Tami Ward and Jen Johnson today. Joanna Massie moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to approve the goals as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Educational and Therapeutic Services Agreement with Intermountain Deaconess Children’s Services. An Educational and Day Treatment Services Agreement for the 2019 – 2020 School Year between Creston School and Intermountain was presented. Joanna Massie moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the Agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Substitute Teachers List. A new hire list was given. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the list as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
F. Transportation Contract(s) – nil.
G. Before School Care Contract(s) – nil.
H. Out of District Request(s). Three separate items were presented: 1) Eleven students residing in our district and parent(s)/guardian(s) choose to have the students attend another district. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to acknowledge receipt of these attendance agreements. Motion passed unanimously. 2) Student resides in Creston School District, attending another District, this is a District to District Placement. Joanna Massie moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to approve this attendance agreement. Motion passed unanimously. 3) Four students living in another district and parent(s)/guardian(s) requesting Creston School as their school of choice/placement. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to approve these attendance agreements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). One Gym use request by Pauline Davidson to use the Gym on Friday, October 11, 2019 from 3:30 – 5:00pm for a birthday party. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to accept the proposal as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Claims October 2019. Board approved all claims as presented.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 14 November 2019, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 12 December 2019, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk Matt Hartle, Board Chair
R = required
R 5002 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities and Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
R 5010 Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
R 5012 Sexual Harassment, Sexual Intimidation and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace
5012F Harassment Reporting Form for Employees
5015 Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation
5015F Harassment Reporting Form for Employees
5120 Hiring Process and Criteria
5120F Determination of Eligibility Sheet
5120F Notice of Federal Background Check Determination Form
5120P Fingerprint Background Handling Procedure
5121 Applicability of Personnel Policies
5122 Fingerprints and Criminal Background Investigations
5122F Applicant Rights and Consent to Fingerprint
5125 Whistle Blowing and Retaliation
5130 Staff Health
5140 Classified Employment and Assignment
5220 Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse
R 5222 Evaluation of Certified and Classified Staff
5223 Personal Conduct
5224 Political Activity
5226 Drug-Free Workplace
R 5228 – 5228P Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
5230 Prevention of Disease Transmission
5231 – 5231P Personnel Records
5232 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
5250 Termination from Employment/Non-Renewal of Employment
5251 Resignations
5254 Payment of Employer Contributions and Interest on Previous Service
5254F Employer Payment Policy Form
5255 Disciplinary Action
5256 Reduction in Force
5314 Substitutes
5321 – 5321P Leaves of Absence
5322 Military Leave
R 5325 Breastfeeding Workplace
R 5328 Family Medical Leave
5329 Long-Term Illness/Temporary Disability Leave
5330 Maternity Leave
5331 Insurance Benefits for Employees
5333 Holidays
5334 Vacations/Personal Leave
5334P Vacation Guidelines
R 5336 Fair Labor Standards Act
5337 Workers’ Compensation Benefits
5338 Absence Due to Illness or Injury
5420 Paraprofessionals
5420F ESSA Qualifications Notification Request Form
5430 Volunteers/Chaperones
5430F Volunteer Letter of Understanding
5440 Student Teachers/Interns
5450 Employee use of Electronic Mail, Internet, Networks, and District
5460 Electronic Resources and Social Networking
5500 Payment of Wages Upon Termination
R 5510 HIPAA
5630 Employee Use of Mobile Devices
Policy to Repeal:
5253 TRS Purchasing Service Credit