11 April 2024
Tammy Bartos2024-05-10T17:38:35-06:00CRESTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #9
11 APRIL 2024
I. Call to Order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:02 a.m. The meeting was held in the gym. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, Megan Derrington, Barry Farrell, and Nevada Hafer. Also in attendance were Rachel Stevens, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, Cindi Conley, Special Education Teacher, Jen Johnson, 2nd Grade Teacher and CEA President, and Melissa Potts, Title Teacher.
II. Minutes of 14 March 2024 & 19 March 2024. Nevada Hafer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence. A letter from Gary Mahugh of Creston Fire was received with a thank you for the use of the facilities during the recent Creston Auction and appreciation for the partnership between the two organizations. Mrs. Stevens, replied in kind. A copy of the correspondence was provided.
IV. Information
A. Teacher Hiring Committee Update. The hiring committee held interviews in March and pre-employment steps are still in process prior to presenting any recommendations to the Board.
B. Audit Engagement Letter from Nicole Noonan, CPA. A copy of the document was provided to the trustees regarding the services that will be provided for the FY2022 & FY2023 audit.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. The monthly budget expenditure report was provided through 31 March 2024. The General Fund is 59% committed and the Total of all funds is 48% committed. Miscellaneous Funds and Eastside Interlocal accounts were also reported. Accounts are reconciled to the County Treasurer through February 2024. Attended MASBO Region 1 Spring Workshop on March 21 and Election webinars on March 15 & 28. Our auditor plans to have the report ready for the June board meeting. The year 4 data collection for ESSER compliance is due April 15th.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 102. The Integrated Strategic Action Plan and all supporting documents were submitted to the Montana Office of Public Instruction on March 24. Fifth and sixth grade student volunteers served as runners for the Creston Auction – Mrs. Johnson coordinated and supervised this community service project. Teachers participated in IEFA professional development led by Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Davidson. Teachers learned about incorporating Native games and recipes into their lessons and also viewed and familiarized themselves with a newly created IEFA section in the library. Families engaged in a Family STEM event on March 21; they participated in activities such as tower building, catapult construction and others – a “Thank You” to the Creston Boosters for supporting the event. Two special assemblies were held in March: a quartet with the Glacier Symphony and Rob Quist and Halladay Blake with the Native Songs Program. Appreciation was expressed to the Creston Volunteer Fire Department for returning the gym and grounds in great condition; we value the continued partnership between the school and the fire department. Monthly building maintenance inspections have been completed and the facilities inventory report was provided.
C. Staff. Mrs. Johnson shared the report via a Google Slide presentation.
VI. Policies – Consideration of Action:
A. Second Reading of MTSBA Policy Services Updates: 3141. Barry Farrell moved to approve Policy 3141 as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. First Reading of MTSBA Policy Services Updates: 1610. First Read only. No Action.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Addendum to Custodian Hire for Stipend. A stipend which is offered to all hourly paid classified positions to help maintain the operation and continuity of services at our school was presented for our new custodian; it is prorated based on FTE, and in this case paid out for May 1 and June 1. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the stipend for C. Sydnor as presented. Megan Derrington seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Collective Bargaining Agreement Negotiations with Creston Education Association. On March 14 the trustees approved the increase in sick leave days from 12 to 15 as presented by the CEA; the CEA has approved the 1% increase to the base of the salary schedule as presented to them on March 19; and the CEA has approved the proposal to increase the exchange of 2 sick days for 1 personal day up to 3 personal days per year as presented to them on March 14. The CBA for 7/1/2024 – 6/30/25 was updated with all negotiated changes and was provided to the trustees. There was discussion, which included the CEA representatives present, to clarify the language in the CBA about when the exchange of sick to personal days can happen. Two separate motions were made regarding the CBA. 1) Nevada Hafer moved to add to the beginning of section 10.2.5 “Once all personal days have been used”. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Jen Johnson, CEA president accepted the addition. 2) Twila Brenneman moved to approve the CBA for 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025 as amended in the previous motion. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Megan Derrington left the meeting at 7:41 a.m., prior to the motions and votes on VII.B.
C. Reduction in Force Committee. Due to a reduction in enrollment and estimated budget for next year staff reductions are anticipated. As per section 8.1.1 of the CBA with the CEA, if staff reductions are needed the District will form a committee made up of board members, administrators, and teachers. Barry Farrell moved to approve the formation of the Reduction in Force Committee and appoint Twila Brenneman and Nevada Hafer to the committee. Nevada seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Creston School Scholarship Committee Formation. Nevada Hafer moved to approve the formation of the Scholarship Committee and appoint Barry Farrell to the committee. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Renewal of KPS Interlocal Agreement for 7th & 8th Graders at KMS. The agreement is still in process at Kalispell Public Schools. No action.
F. Levy & Trustee Election Cancellation. Our levy and trustee election has been cancelled. The trustee election was cancelled by acclamation. The notice of cancellation was forwarded to the appropriate county officials on April 5, 2024. Nevada Hafer moved to approve the election cancellation as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Transportation Contracts – nil.
H. Before School Care Contracts – nil.
I. Out-of-District Requests. Attendance agreements for 15 students that reside in our district, the students will attend Kalispell Middle School under a district-to-district placement in school year 2024/2025. Barry Farrell moved to approve these attendance agreements. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Attendance agreements for two students that reside in our district, attending another district in school year 2024/2025. Nevada Hafer moved to acknowledge receipt of these attendance agreements. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
J. Gym & School Grounds Use Requests – nil.
K. District Clerk Personnel Evaluation – Executive Session. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen determined that the demands of individual privacy clearly exceed the merits of public disclosure and at 8:02 a.m. closed the meeting for an executive session to conduct the personnel evaluation of Tammy Bartos. The meeting was reconvened in open session at 8:30 a.m. and Nevada Hafer moved to approve the personnel evaluation of Tammy Bartos and to approve the executive session minutes. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Claims Approval – Consideration of Action. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the claims list as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 May 2024, 7:00 am, Reorganization & Regular Meeting
B. 13 June 2024, 7:00am, Regular Meeting
X. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk
Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair