14 September 2023
Tammy Bartos2023-10-12T09:13:35-06:00CRESTON SCHOOL DISTRICT #9
I. Call to order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. The meeting was held in the gym. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, and Barry Farrell; absent: Megan Derrington and Nevada Hafer. Also in attendance were Rachel Stevens, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, Cindi Conley, Special Education Teacher and Bobbie Visnovske, Specials Teacher.
II. Minutes of 10 August 2023. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the minutes as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil
IV. Information
A. Boardsmanship Leadership Academy. Flathead Valley Community College is offering this five-week academy September 14 through October 12 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. The notice was provided.
B. Asbestos Report July 2023. An accredited asbestos inspector did a walk-through of our facilities in July of 2023. The inspection did not reveal any new areas of concern and those that are existing are in good condition. Recommendations are to continue to maintain the material and continue following the proper techniques that we have in place.
C. Speed Study Update. The speed limit recommendations made by MDT were approved on August 24 by the Transportation Commission. The MDT District office is now moving forward with ordering and updating the signage, securing funding and material to update the bouncing ball flashers for the school speed zone signs.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. The monthly budget expenditure report was provided through 31 August 2023. General Fund is 5% committed and the Total of all Funds is also 5% committed. Accounts are reconciled to the County Treasurer through July 2023. Miscellaneous Funds and Eastside Interlocal account were also reported.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 105. All teachers and staff completed CPR and First Aid training in August. Teachers will participate in online professional development for the Social Studies Alive! program this month. All staff participated in Run, Lock, Fight training in August. Overall Open House turnout was 86%. Mrs. Stevens will be participating in training sessions this month for the new School Accreditation requirements. Benchmark assessments for the 2023/2024 school year are in progress for math (easyCBM) and reading (Fountas & Pinnell). The district Smarter Balanced (SBAC) state testing data is now available and a report comparing state and district results was provided. Mrs. Stevens fills the role of the Homeless Liaison and has completed the required training. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Davidson are filling the role of the Indian Education for All (IEFA) Program Director for the 2023/2024 school year; they participated in IEFA professional development in the spring and will be providing professional development for our teachers this fall. Mrs. Stevens fills the role of Gifted and Talented Program Director and has developed a committee to revise and update the District’s Gifted and Talented Education Plan. The school facilities condition inventory report was provided with updates. The monthly building inspection has been completed with no recommendation for repairs. Weyerhaeuser granted us one CAD truck load of wood chips for the playground in August. The bus lot project has been completed including replacing gates, fences, and installing the cable barrier behind the annex. The Special Education Cooperative is staffed and providing support to our school through the provision of a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, and school psychologist; Mrs. Stevens also serves on the board and attends monthly meetings. Mrs. Stevens participates in meetings with the Northwest Montana Association of School Superintendents (NWMASS) and the Rural Schools Administrators two times a month; these meetings support her growth as a professional and maintain the connection our school has with other schools in the valley. Crossroads management board will meet every other month; the next meeting is in October.
C. Staff. Mrs. Conley, Special Education Teacher and Mrs. Visnovske, Specials Teacher were present to share the staff report via a Google Slide presentation.
VI. Policies – Consideration of Action:
A. First Reading of Policy Updates: 1650 (New), 1006FE, 1110, 1400, 2132, 2140, 2332, 2450, 3120, 3141, 3226, 3233, 3235, 3310, 3413, 3510, 3550, 8301. The MTSBA Policy Services team has prepared necessary updates in response to legislation approved during the 2023 Legislative Session. The policies listed are only a portion of the updates provided. Policies were reviewed. No action taken.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. District Goals for 2023/2024. The goals included the school philosophy, mission statement, motto, educational goals and continuous school improvement goals. Barry Farrell moved to adopt the Creston School District Goals for 2023/2024 as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Extra-Duty Custodian Contracts. A list of current employees agreeing to fill in as custodian as needed was provided. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the extra-duty custodian contracts as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. No updates. No action.
D. MSGIA Annual Meeting. Twila Brenneman moved to accept the nominees as presented and to approve Creston School be represented by proxy. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Bus Stop Requests. A list was presented for adding approved stops that allow students to cross the road. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the bus stop requests as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
F. Transportation Contracts. Fourteen (14) contracts were presented. Barry Farrell moved to approve the contracts as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Before School Care Contracts. Fourteen (14) contracts were presented. Barry Farrell moved to approve the contracts as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
H. Out-of-District Requests. Attendance agreement for four (4) students that reside in our district, attending another district. Twila Brenneman moved to acknowledge the receipt of the attendance agreements. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Thirty-six (36) requests for students residing in other districts and requesting Creston School District as their school of choice. Barry Farrell moved to approve these attendance agreements. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Gym & School Grounds Use Requests. Three requests were presented: 1) D. Shurz and K. Hagen requesting the gym on Fridays, September 22 – May 31, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm for martial arts practice for family members; 2) J. Edmondson requesting the gym October 6 thru March 24, 2024 on Fridays from 5:15 – 6:15pm and Sundays from 11:00 to 12:00pm for basketball open gym for family and friends; 3) S. Uskoski requesting the gym on Mondays, September 25 – May 20, 2024 from 7:00 – 9:00pm for basketball for family. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the gym use requests as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
J. Principal Evaluation (Goals) – Executive Session. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen closed the meeting at 8:05 a.m. for an executive session to conduct a personnel evaluation for Rachel Stevens. The meeting was re-opened at 8:25 a.m. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the principal evaluation of goals and to approve the executive session minutes. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Claims Approval – Consideration of Action. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the claims list as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 12 October 2023, 7:00 am, Regular Meeting
B. 9 November 2023, 7:00 am, Regular Meeting
X. Board Work Session – Training and Discussion for Board Professional Development. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen led a discussion on the following:
A. Long-Term Goals and Strategic Planning
B. Schedule for Trustee School Walk-Throughs
XI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/Tammy Bartos, District Clerk
/s/Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair