About Tammy Bartos

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So far Tammy Bartos has created 317 blog entries.
10 02, 2025

13 February 2025


13 FEBRUARY 2025, 7:00 AM

Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.
This meeting will be recorded.

I. Call to Order
II. Minutes of 9 January & 23 January 2025
III. Public Participation / Correspondence
IV. Information
A. Hiring Updates:
1. Part-Time Aide
2. District Clerk & Business/Office Manager
3. Principal
B. Audit Report
V. Reports:
A. Clerk
B. Principal
C. Staff
VI. Policies – Consideration of Action:
A. MTSBA 11/26/24 Policy Notes – 1st Read: 5120F-Determination Form, 5120F – Dissemination Log, 5120P, 3311, 4332, 5223, 1240, 1332, 3141, 3416, 3600F, 4340, 5251, 5334, 5450P, 7525; New: 5122F; Delete: 5120F-Notice… & 5120F – Re-Dissemination …
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Agreement with Flathead County Election Office to Conduct 2025 School District Election
B. Election Resolution
C. Employment Agreement 2024/2025- SM
D. Maternity Leave Request – SBM
E. Collective Bargaining Agreement Negotiation with Creston Education Association
F. Transportation Contracts
G. Before School Care Contracts
H. Out-of-District Requests
I. Gym & School Grounds Use Requests
J. Principal Evaluation – closed or Executive Session…
VIII. Claims Approval – Consideration of Action
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 13 March 2025, 7:00am, Regular Meeting
B. 10 April 2025, 7:00am, Regular Meeting
X. Adjourn

Citizens may comment on items appearing on the agenda when invited to participate during that agenda item by the Board Chair. Citizens may comment on items related to School District business not appearing on this agenda during the public comment portion of the meeting as noted in the public comment form.

Information about this agenda, including the Board packet and supplemental documents, is available at the School District office. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

The Board Chair is authorized to adjust the order of agenda items to accommodate scheduling needs of interested parties

13 February 20252025-02-10T20:01:46-07:00
31 01, 2025

5 February 2025


Creston School District #9
February 5, 2025
8:50 a.m. – Library

a. Interviews for part-time aide position

5 February 20252025-01-31T18:22:08-07:00
21 01, 2025

23 January 2025


23 JANUARY 2025, 1:30 PM

Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.
This meeting is being held via electronic mean.
Please see below for information to connect remotely.
This meeting will be recorded.

I. Call to Order
II. Public Participation / Correspondence
III. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Principal Search & Hiring Process with Kaleva Law
B. Job Description revision for Principal with Superintendent Duties
C. Substitute List 2024/2025
IV. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 13 February 2025, 7:00am, Regular Meeting
B. 13 March 2025, 7:00am, Regular Meeting
V. Adjourn

Citizens may comment on items appearing on the agenda when invited to participate during that agenda item by the Board Chair. Citizens may comment on items related to School District business not appearing on this agenda during the public comment portion of the meeting as noted in the public comment form.

Information about this agenda, including the Board packet and supplemental documents, is available at the School District office. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

The Board Chair is authorized to adjust the order of agenda items to accommodate scheduling needs of interested parties.


Topic: Special Board Meeting 1/23/2025 1:30pm
Time: Jan 23, 2025 01:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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23 January 20252025-01-21T13:24:27-07:00
13 01, 2025

12 December 2024


12 DECEMBER 2024, 7:00 AM


I. Call to Order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:04 a.m. The meeting was held in the gym. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, Megan Derrington, Barry Farrell and Nevada Hafer. Also in attendance were Rachel Stevens, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, Cindi Conley, Special Education Teacher, and Jen Johnson, CEA President and 2nd Grade Teacher.
II. Minutes of 14 November 2024. Nevada Hafer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Megan Derrington seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information
A. Candidates for the May 2025 Trustee Election may file a Declaration of Intent. Declarations of Intent and Oath of Candidacy may be filed from December 12, 2024, through March 27, 2025. A candidate must live within the boundaries of the school district and be a registered voter. There are two positions subject to election in May 2025; both are three-year terms.
B. Aide Hiring Update. The Monday & Tuesday part-time position is still open.
C. Audit Report. The report is in process.
D. Innovative Education Tax Credit Letter. A copy of the letter was provided. In 2025 the aggregated amount of tax credits that may be claimed statewide is $6,000,000; Creston School is able to accept up to $137,457. This is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on a statewide, first come, first serve basis. The letter will be on the website and will also be sent out in an email to our school families. Mrs. Stevens will also send a copy of the letter to other community partners.
E. Modification Approved by Commissioner of Social Security for PERS Positions. The Social Security Administration has approved our modification under the provisions of Section 218 of the Social Security Act. In December 2022 employes covered by PERS voted in favor of also participating in social security coverage. The approval of this modification makes this an official permanent status.
F. District Clerk & Business/Office Manager Resignation – TB. Tammy Bartos has submitted her resignation effective at the conclusion of the 2024/2025 school year. Mrs. Stevens has accepted the resignation.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. The Statement of Expenditure was provided through the end of November 2024. The General Fund is 33% committed and the Total of all funds is 26% committed. Accounts are reconciled to the County Treasurer through October 2024. Mrs. Bartos recently attended a NWMASS for a presentation by John Doran of MTSIA; a MASBO Budget Webinar and a MASBO Elections Workshop Webinar. A federal judge in Texas struck down the changes to the salary threshold standard within the Fair Labor Standards Act; this resets the salary threshold to the amounts prior to the July 1, 2024, changes – no further action on our part is necessary.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 82. The results of the school climate survey are being analyzed and will be reported in the coming months. Our special education files will be monitored (audited) by the Montana Office of Public Instruction in January, after which the district will receive a report. The Montana Department of Labor completed an inspection of our school facilities in November; there were three minor recommendations, which have been completed. At the NWMASS meeting in November, John Doran of the Montana School Insurance Alliance (MTSIA) provided an update on the formation and goals of the MTSIA; in the next few months school districts are expected to receive benefit designs and cost proposals to help determine interest with the intent for coverage to begin between July 1 – October 1, 2026. The November service project of the Bobcats/Grizzlies food drive brought in 420 items; the items were delivered to the Bigfork Food Bank. Formal evaluations for tenured teachers are complete; non-tenured teachers will receive a second evaluation in either January or February. The Montana Small Schools Alliance (MSSA) in partnership with Western Montana Professional Learning Community (WMPLC) received a grant to increase counseling and mental health services to rural schools through 2027; this grant provides access to a full-time licensed School Counselor, access for families to the Montana Cares app, and E-therapy based on a District referral. At the November assembly, teachers honored students who demonstrated the learner profile competency of critical thinking skills. We had many parents and families attend the Trimester 1 Author’s Parties to celebrate student progress in writing. We also had a great response for parent/teacher conferences. There were two recent bus recall notices: one was for an on-board diagnostics system software update which has been completed, and the other was to add rivets in the roof panel joints; however, it was determined that our bus had more than the required amount in the recall so no action was needed. Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Sandven-Sorensen were invited and attended a Legislative Summitt hosted by the Northwest Montana Association of School Superintendents earlier this month; some of the topics that were addressed were funding, early literacy, proficiency-based education, and career and technical education. The monthly building inspection has been completed with no recommendations for repairs and the school facilities condition report was provided.
C. Staff. Jen Johnson and Cindi Conley were present to share the report via a Google Slide presentation.
VI. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Audit Contract 2023/2024. Nicole Noonan, CPA, provided a proposal and contract for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the proposal and contract as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Post Job Opening & Form Hiring Committee for District Clerk & Business/Office Manager. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen and Nevada Hafer volunteered to serve on this hiring committee. Barry Farrell moved to approve posting the job opening for a District Clerk & Business/Office Manager, the formation of a hiring committee and the appointment of two trustees to the committee as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Revisions to Job Description for District Clerk & Business/Office Manager. Minor changes to the job descriptions were provided; and one additional change requested to highlight the responsibility of election administrator in the District Clerk job description in its own statement. Barry Farrell moved to approve the revisions to job descriptions as presented with the noted addition. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Principal Resignation (RS) & Facilitator for Principal Search Services. Rachel Stevens has submitted her resignation effective at the conclusion of the 2024/2025 school year. Barry Farrell moved to accept the resignation as presented. Megan Derrington seconded. Motion passed unanimously. A search service by another organization will only be sought out if Kavela Law is not available. Barry Farrell moved to approve Jessica Sandven-Sorensen to contact Kavela Law, or alternative sources if needed, to submit a proposal for Principal Search Services. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Creston Fire District Requests for their new Fire Station. Creston Fire has submitted two requests: 1) a letter from us stating that our water system, while being designated a “public water system” is designed for Creston School use only and is not large enough to supply others; 2) a letter that we are agreeable to considering an easement along the school’s north fence for the purpose of running utilities to their new facility. Draft letters were provided. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the letters in response to the requests by Creston Fire as presented. Megan Derrington seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
F. Transportation Contracts – nil.
G. Before School Care Contracts – nil.
H. Out-of-District Requests. Attendance agreements for five students that reside in our district, attending another district per request of the parent/guardian. Nevada Hafer moved to acknowledge receipt of these attendance agreements. Megan Derrington seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Attendance agreements for two students that reside in another district requesting enrollment in Creston School. Twila Brenneman moved to approve these attendance agreements. Megan Derrington seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Gym & School Grounds Use Requests. Stan Uskoski is requesting use of the gym on Monday evenings, 7-9pm, through May 12, 2025, to play basketball with family. Megan Derrington moved to approve the request as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
VII. Claims Approval – Consideration of Action. Nevada Hafer moved to approve the claims list as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 January 2025, 7:00am, Regular Meeting
B. 13 February 2025, 7:00am, Regular Meeting
IX. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

/s/Tammy Bartos, District Clerk
/s/Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair

12 December 20242025-01-13T10:02:41-07:00
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