Reopening School Committee Meeting Agenda
Tammy Bartos2023-03-10T17:37:11-07:00Creston School District #9
8 July 2020
9:00 AM at the School and via Zoom
Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.
Due to COVID-19 public health concerns and social distancing restrictions, the public is encouraged to attend the meeting via electronic means. Please see below for more information to connect remotely. If you choose to attend in person, please honor applicable health and safety protocols including, but not limited to physical distancing.
I. Discussion and Recommendations for Reopening of School
A. Parent Survey
B. Guideline for All Phases
C. Transportation
D. Out of District Enrollment Considerations
E. Consideration of Needs
Topic: Reopening School Committee
Time: Jul 8, 2020 09:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 8529 4632
Password: 8uNHpn
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Meeting ID: 889 8529 4632
Password: 466912