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So far Tammy Bartos has created 303 blog entries.
10 04, 2020

27 March 2020 Minutes


27 March 2020

I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Creston School Gym. The following members were present: Arnold Bjork, Barry Farrell, Shawn McDonough and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal, Jen Johnson – 2nd grade Teacher and Jeff Hagen – Bus/Maintenance.
II. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
III. Policies:
A. 3650 – Pupil Online Personal Information Protection. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to approve policy 3650 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 1900 – Temporary COVID-19 Policies. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to approve policy 1900 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. 1901 – Use of Transportation Funds. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to approve policy 1901 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Board consideration of current circumstances related to COVID-19 to include an extension of school closure and a Plan of Action. Several items were discussed including an extension to the unforeseen emergency declaration made on 18 March; the Shelter-in-Place order by the Governor issued yesterday which declares K-12 education as an essential function; the Plan of Action document from the Governor’s office; since our funding is remaining in place our hourly paid staff are being paid at their regular/averaged time, also because some staff have no duties and others do (our custodian and maintenance staff have modified duties) those who are on a modified duty schedule are being compensated for that additional time above their average. Board members expressed their admiration to the teachers/staff for an exceptional job done on going to remote learning and handling this situation we are all in.
Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to declare an unforeseen emergency in accordance with Sections 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA, due to the community and school health concerns related to COVID-19 and authorize the administration to take necessary steps to execute this declaration and inform the public and government agencies of this declaration and that this declaration is to run concurrent with any declaration of emergency by the President, Congress, Montana Legislature, Governor or County Health Department. Motion passed unanimously.
Arnold Bjork moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to approve the Creston School District Plan of Action as required by the Governor as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Memorandum of Agreement with Creston Education Association (CEA) Regarding Working Conditions. This item was combined with item C. Please see item C below.
C. Memorandum of Agreement with Creston Education Association (CEA) Regarding The Families First Coronavirus Response Act. A Memorandum of Agreement between Creston School District and the Creston Education Association (CEA) which included working conditions and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act in one document was presented. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the Agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Sale of Bus – Offer to Purchase. No written offers were available. No motion needed.
V. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 April 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Reorganization and Regular Meeting
VI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 1:33p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Matt Hartle, Board Chair

27 March 2020 Minutes2020-04-10T14:51:34-06:00
10 04, 2020

18 March 2020 Minutes


18 March 2020

I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. in the Creston School Gym. The following members were present: Arnold Bjork, Barry Farrell, Shawn McDonough and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal and Deborah Christiansen – Title Teacher.
II. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
III. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Board consideration of current circumstances related to COVID-19 for possible declaration of unforeseen emergency pursuant to 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA. Also, possible declaration determining proficiency of students and providing offsite instruction.

Following the Montana School Board Association recommendation that all school boards declare an unforeseen emergency and also give their administrators authority regarding Proficiency and Offsite Instruction the Creston School Board convened to address these issues.

1) Unforeseen Emergency: Arnold Bjork moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded the motion to declare an unforeseen emergency in accordance with Sections 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA, due to the community and school health concerns related to COVID-19 and authorize the administration to take necessary steps to execute this declaration and inform the public and government agencies of this declaration. Motion passed unanimously.

2) Proficiency: Arnold Bjork moved and seconded the motion to authorize the Administrator to work with district staff in making determinations regarding pupils who are proficient in courses in which the pupils are enrolled without regard to the aggregate hours of instruction provided. The Administrator is directed to make a final determination of proficiency for each pupil for each enrolled course, using district assessments, including class grades at a minimum, and reporting a full-time equivalent conversion of ANB for such pupils, based on the scheduled time ordinarily provided through the aggregate hours of instruction for such courses. Motion passed unanimously.

3) Offsite Instruction: Jessica Sandven moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to authorize the Administrator to work with district staff in providing instruction for pupils of the district. Such instruction may include any method or methods identified as appropriate by the Administrator, including but not limited to offsite instruction as defined and referenced in sections 20-1-101(5); 20-1-101(14); 20-7-118; and 20-9-311(11), MCA. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 11 June 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
V. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk
Matt Hartle, Board Chair

18 March 2020 Minutes2020-04-10T14:50:28-06:00
10 04, 2020

12 March 2020 Minutes


12 March 2020

I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. in the Creston School Library. The following members were present: Arnold Bjork, Barry Farrell and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Absent: Shawn McDonough. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal, Cindi Conley – Special Ed Teacher and Melissa Potts – 1st grade teacher.
II. Minutes of 13 February 2020. Arnold Bjork motioned and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information Item:
A. Candidates for Trustee Election may file a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy between Thursday, December 12, 2019 and Thursday, March 26, 2020.
B. Status of Bus Sale. Advertisements have been posted.
C. Budget Amendment Resolution – Letter from OPI. The confirmation letter from OPI was shared. Most notable item was the revised approved amount of $32,552.06.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure and Fund 115 Projects report includes payroll and claims through March 12, 2020. The General Fund is at 57% committed and the Grand Total of all funds is at 47% committed. Reconciliation to the County Treasurer has been completed for January 2020.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 116. Tami Ward is in close contact with area administration regarding the coronavirus outbreak and an action plan is being created as more information becomes available. Building Maintenance – summer maintenance plans are underway. School Facilities Report includes a broad estimate on the needed septic system/drainfield upgrade. Teacher Professional Development – teachers shared a math game and the math objective/standard it is supporting and plans for the Salish Kootenai College pre-service teachers for an Indian Education For All day are underway. Smarter Balanced Assessments will begin in April. Education Cooperative – Teacher Appreciation night will be April 29th. Special Education Cooperative – Mrs. Ward recently toured the building and the improvements that have been made, outside improvements will begin now that the former building and property have been sold; also toured the Communication Disorder Program and Special Education Preschool. Scholarship Committee – Matt Hartle volunteered to represent the Board as part of the committee. Community Service – 5th and 6th graders will serve as runners at the upcoming Creston Auction.
C. Staff. Cindi Conley shared the staff report via a Google Slides presentation which highlights student work and projects.
VI. Policies:
A. 1000SG (Strategic Planning Series) – information only. This series was provided for information only.
B. 3235 – Video Surveillance. The MTSBA model policy was reviewed and discussed. 1st read. No motion needed.
C. 4301 – Visitors to School. The MTSBA model policy was reviewed and discussed. 1st read. No motion needed.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The Preliminary Budget for next fiscal year was provided to assist trustees and administration in decision making for upcoming needs and requests. The Budget Data Sheet from OPI was also provided. No motion needed.
B. Trustee Resolution SB 307 – Estimating changes in revenues/mills from tuition, building reserve, transportation and bus depreciation levies for 2020-2021. The full Levy Resolution and supporting documentation was presented. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Barry Farrell seconded to approve the Levy Resolution as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Teacher Negotiations/CBA. A fiscal year 2019-2020 Teacher Base Salary Comparison, (including Insurance/Flex Plans) of schools in the Flathead Valley was provided. The teachers plan to meet next week after reviewing the Preliminary FY2020-21 Budget and returning to the next board meeting with a possible proposal. No motion needed.
D. Hiring for Long-Term Substitute for 6th Grade – Employment Contract(s). A recommendation to hire T. Mumm for .5 FTE of the position and T. Ward for the other .5 FTE of the position was presented. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Arnold Bjork seconded to approve the hiring of T. Mumm and T. Ward as presented and to approve the employment contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Hiring for a 1.0 Teacher for 2020/2021 (a one-year contract for Hess-Headlee leave). On March 3rd the Hiring Committee met to review applications. At that time, it was decided to postpone interviews until more applications are received. No motion needed.
F. Substitute Bus Driver Services. Harlow’s has agreed to provide a substitute bus driver as needed. Arnold Bjork moved and Barry Farrell seconded to approve the substitute bus driver services by Harlow’s as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Student Handbook for 2020-2021. A draft of the Student Handbook for next year was provided for review. Trustees and administration will continue to review and will look at this again at the next board meeting. No motion needed.
H. Equipment/Property Disposal Resolution. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the Resolution for disposal of property as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Substitute Teachers List – nil.
J. Transportation Contract(s). Arnold Bjork moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the transportation contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
K. Before School Care Contract(s) – nil.
L. Out of District Request(s). Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the attendance agreements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
M. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). Many Lakes HOA requesting the gym on Saturday, April 18, 2020 from 9:00a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for a Living with Wildfire community meeting. Arnold Bjork moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the gym use request as presented at no charge. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Claims – February 20, 2020 & March 2020. The trustees approved all claims as presented.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 April 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Executive Session for Clerk Personnel Evaluation and consideration of closed session minutes. At 8:21 a.m. Board Chair, Matt Hartle, closed the meeting in order to protect the individual rights of Tammy Bartos, District Clerk. Upon re-opening the meeting at 8:50 a.m. Arnold Bjork moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the evaluation and of the executive session minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
XI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Matt Hartle, Board Chair


This series being provided for informational purposes only.


1000SG Overview of Strategic Governance Model
1000SG -P 12 Month Board Meeting Alignment Chart
1001SG Vision of High Expectations
1001SG -P Vision of High Expectations
1002SG Beliefs and Values
1002SG -P Beliefs and Values
1003SG Accountability
1003SG -P Accountability
1004SG Collaborative Relationships
1004SG -P Collaborative Relationships
1005SG Data to Drive Continuous Improvement
1005SG -P Data to Drive Continuous Improvement
1006SG Aligning and Sustaining Resources
1006SG -P Aligning and Sustaining Resources
1007SG United Governance Team
1007SG -P United Governance Team
1008SG Team Development and Training
1008SG -P Team Development and Training
1009SG Innovation
1010SG Board Self-Assessment
1010SG -F1 Board Meeting Assessment Form
1010SG -F2 School Board Annual Self-Assessment Form
1010SG -F3 SMaC Recipe Board of Trustees Exercise

12 March 2020 Minutes2023-03-10T17:37:13-07:00
6 04, 2020

9 April 2020 Agenda – Regular Meeting


9 April 2020, 7:00 a.m.
Remote Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 768 082
Password: 837450
Participant ID: 108727

Dial by telephone:

Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.

Due to COVID-19 public health concerns and the resulting Governor’s emergency declaration 3/29/2020 Stay-At-Home Order, and social distancing restrictions, the public is prohibited from physically attending the meeting. As a result, the meeting will be conducted by electronic means. Members of the public will be able to observe and participate in the meeting by electronic means. A Zoom Meeting is being hosted. To join please use the information provided above.

I. Call to order
II. Minutes of 12 March 2020, 18 March 2020, 27 March 2020
III. Public Participation / Correspondence
IV. Information Item:
V. Reports:
A. Clerk
B. Principal
C. Staff
VI. Policies:
A. 3235 – Video Surveillance – 2nd reading
B. 4301 – Visitors to School – 2nd reading
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Teacher Negotiations/Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
B. MSSA Letter of Agreement for MSSA Programs 2020-21
C. Hiring for a 1.0 Teacher for 2020/2021 (a one-year contract for Hess-Headlee leave)
D. Trustee Election Cancellation by Acclamation
E. Classified Hourly Staff Temporary Working Arrangements
F. Student Handbook for 2020-2021
G. MSGIA WC Program membership Plan – One- or Two-Year Plan
H. Bus Purchase Offers
I. Substitute Teachers List
J. Transportation Contract(s)
K. Before School Care Contract(s)
L. Out of District Request(s)
M. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s)
VIII. Claims – April 2020
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Reorganization and Regular Meeting
B. 11 June 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Executive Session for Principal Personnel Evaluation and consideration of closed session minutes
XI. Adjourn

Citizens may comment on items appearing on the agenda when invited to participate during that agenda item by the Board Chair. Citizens may comment on items related to School District business not appearing on this agenda during the public comment portion of the meeting as noted in the public comment form.

Information about this agenda, including the Board packet and supplemental documents, is available at the School District office. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

The Board Chair is authorized to adjust the order of agenda items to accommodate scheduling needs of interested parties.



School Board Meeting Procedure

Notice Regarding Public Comment

Montana law requires school districts to include on the agenda for public meetings an item allowing public comments on any public matter not otherwise specifically listed on the agenda. As has also been the practice of the District, and in accordance with Montana law, if any member desires to speak to an item that is specifically listed on the agenda, you will be allowed to do so when the item comes up for discussion and action. The public comment portion of the agenda is not the time designated to hear items that are listed on the agenda.

If you wish to address the Board during the “public comment” portion of the meeting, please fill out the Public Participation Form at the bottom of this page. The Board Chairman will call individuals to speak. The Board would like to remind everyone in attendance that to avoid violations of individual rights of privacy, a member of the public wishing to address the Board during this time will not be allowed to make comments about any student, staff member, or member of the public while speaking. Individual comments will be limited to two (2) minutes.

By law the District cannot take any action on any matter discussed during the “public comment” portion of the meeting, until such time as the matter is noticed on the agenda, and the public has been allowed the opportunity to comment.


Name (Please Print)____________________________________________________

General Topic________________________________________________________

9 April 2020 Agenda – Regular Meeting2020-04-08T16:31:32-06:00
25 03, 2020

27 March 2020 Special Board Meeting


27 March 2020, 1:00 p.m. AT THE SCHOOL


Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.

I. Call to order

II. Public Participation / Correspondence

III. Policies:
A. 3650 – Pupil Online Personal Information Protection
B. 1900 – Temporary COVID-19 Policies
C. 1901 – Use of Transportation Funds

IV. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Board consideration of current circumstances related to COVID-19 to include an extension of school closure and a Plan of Action.
B. Memorandum of Agreement with Creston Education Association (CEA) Regarding Working Conditions
C. Memorandum of Agreement with Creston Education Association (CEA) Regarding The Families First Coronavirus Response Act
D. Sale of Bus – Offer to Purchase

V. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 April 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting

VI. Adjourn

Citizens may comment on items appearing on the agenda when invited to participate during that agenda item by the Board Chair. Citizens may comment on items related to School District business not appearing on this agenda during the public comment portion of the meeting as noted in the public comment form.

Information about this agenda, including the Board packet and supplemental documents, is available at the School District office. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

The Board Chair is authorized to adjust the order of agenda items to accommodate scheduling needs of interested parties. 



School Board Meeting Procedure

Notice Regarding Public Comment

Montana law requires school districts to include on the agenda for public meetings an item allowing public comments on any public matter not otherwise specifically listed on the agenda. As has also been the practice of the District, and in accordance with Montana law, if any member desires to speak to an item that is specifically listed on the agenda, you will be allowed to do so when the item comes up for discussion and action. The public comment portion of the agenda is not the time designated to hear items that are listed on the agenda.

If you wish to address the Board during the “public comment” portion of the meeting, please fill out the Public Participation Form at the bottom of this page. The Board Chairman will call individuals to speak. The Board would like to remind everyone in attendance that to avoid violations of individual rights of privacy, a member of the public wishing to address the Board during this time will not be allowed to make comments about any student, staff member, or member of the public while speaking. Individual comments will be limited to two (2) minutes.

By law the District cannot take any action on any matter discussed during the “public comment” portion of the meeting, until such time as the matter is noticed on the agenda, and the public has been allowed the opportunity to comment.


Name (Please Print)____________________________________________________

General Topic________________________________________________________

27 March 2020 Special Board Meeting2020-03-25T11:50:30-06:00
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