Board Minutes2023-03-10T17:37:06-07:00

Board Minutes

1102, 2022

27 January 2022 Minutes

February 11th, 2022|

27 January 2022


I. Call to order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:15 a.m. The meeting was held in the gym. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, Barry Farrell and Nevada Hafer; Absent: Julie Horton. Also in attendance were Tami Ward, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, Debra Silk, MTSBA, Jennifer Johnson, Teacher and CEA President, Shanta Milne, Kindergarten Teacher, Pauline Davidson, 3rd Grade Teacher, and Deborah Christiansen, Title Teacher.
II. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
III. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Opening the Principal position for hire. Twila Brenneman motioned to approve opening the Principal position for hire. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. MTSBA to facilitate Principal Hiring. A copy of the Montana School Boards Association (MTSBA) Superintendent Search Services Letter was provided which outlines their search process. Debra Silk, Associate Executive Director / General Counsel for MTSBA presented the process for all in attendance and answered questions. After the presentation trustees and others in attendance discussed the MTSBA process and the other options that may be available i.e., facilitate the process as a District (possibly using legal counsel with this option as needed), or hiring other firms. Jesssica Sandven-Sorensen appointed Barry Farrell to contact Bea Kaleva at Kaleva Law to gather information, to be followed by an informational Board meeting prior to the regular meeting on February 10th. Mrs. Ward was asked to put together a hiring packet/brochure to keep the process moving forward.
C. Principal Hiring Committee. Discussion only to wait on taking action on this. No motion needed.
D. Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. Information only. No action taken.
IV. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 10 February 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 10 March 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
V. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair

1102, 2022

13 January 2022 Minutes

February 11th, 2022|

13 January 2022


I. Call to order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. The meeting was held in the gym. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, Barry Farrell, Nevada Hafer and Julie Horton. Also in attendance were Tami Ward, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, and Jennifer Johnson, Teacher and CEA President.
II. Minutes of 9 December 2021 & 6 January 2022. Nevada Hafer motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information
A. 2021 Statistical Report of Schools by Flathead County Superintendent of Schools. The report was provided as an informational item only and contains a variety of pupil enrollment and school finance data for schools in Flathead County.
B. MT DOL Safety Inspection December 2021. Montana Safety and Health Bureau a division of the Montana Department of Labor and Industry conducted a safety inspection on December 14, 2021. Regarding the Montana Safety Culture Act Evaluation: Creston School is compliant. There was one violation requiring correction: In the broom closet the electrical panel was missing two switches. This was corrected on January 6, 2022, and both switches have been replaced with blanks.
C. Candidates for the May 2022 Trustee Election May File a Declaration of Intent. A Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy may be filed from Thursday, December 9, 2021, thru Thursday, March 24, 2022. The candidate for trustee must be a registered voter at the time the Oath is filed. Two trustee positions are subject to election in May 2022: Julie Horton, 3-year term and Barry Ray Farrell, 3-year term. Intent forms are available in the school office.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. The monthly budget expenditure report was provided through 31 December 2021. General Fund is 44% committed and the Total of all Funds is at 37% committed. Fund 115 Project Report was also provided. Accounts are reconciled to the County Treasurer through November 2021. An account has been established on the Montana Department of Revenue Education Donation Portal and Creston School is eligible to accept donations for the Innovative Educational Program Tax Credit under House Bill 279.
B. Principal. Current student enrollment is 108. Monthly building inspections have been completed with no recommended repairs. Kelly Boswell was in our building January 10th-12th providing embedded professional development on effective reading and writing instruction. Administration of mid-year benchmark assessments began January 10th in reading and math – District assessment data will be provided at the February Board meeting. We recently added three substitute teachers to our list, yet we continue to be in dire need of substitutes to meet the needs of the staff. We had zero positive Coronavirus cases in our learning environment during the month of December and fifteen total cases this year. Information regarding Title IX has been added to the school website at or
C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google Slide presentation.
VI. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Principal Resignation June 2022. A letter of resignation from Mrs. Ward was submitted for the end of this school year. MTSBA has been contacted to explore their administrator search services and further action on the hiring process will be discussed at a future meeting. No action.
B. Bus Driver Job Description. The current bus driver job description is from 2010. An updated description from MTSBA’s sample job descriptions was provided – it was modified to meet our specific needs. Twila Brenneman motioned to approve the updated bus driver job description as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Sick Bank Committee Formation. To be prepared for requests to use the sick bank a committee is required. This committee includes one CEA teacher, one administrator, and one Board member. This committee serves for the entire school year. Julie Horton volunteered. Barry Farrell motioned to appoint Julie Horton to the sick bank committee. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
D. KPS #5 Renewal Request for KMS. Our seventh and eighth grade students attend Kalispell Middle School (KMS) under an interlocal agreement with Kalispell Public School District #5 (KPS). This agreement needs to be periodically renewed. Julie Horton motioned to approve the letter to KPS to request a renewal of the Interlocal Agreement for Creston students to attend KMS as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Collective Bargaining Agreement Negotiations with Creston Education Association. As per section 13.2 of the CBA either party is to give notice to the other party no later than January 15th of its desire to open negotiations to the agreement. Twila Brenneman motioned to present to the CEA a date change in section 11.2.1 (Credit Recognition) of the CBA from April 1 to February 1. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Jen Johnson, CEA President, on behalf of the CEA, notified the Board of their intent to open the CBA for negotiations. They will be prepared to present details at the next regular Board Meeting.
F. Records Destruction. Records Destruction Form RM88 was provided to dispose of classified personnel records. Julie Horton motioned to approve the records destruction as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. Information only. No action taken.
H. ARP ESSER Plan Review and Call for Stakeholder Input. One update to Section 1 of the plan was given regarding the classroom remodel completion. Barry Farrell motioned to approve the update as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Substitute List – nil.
J. Transportation Contracts – nil.
K. Before School Care Contracts. One new contract was presented. Twila Brenneman motioned to approve the contract as presented. Julie Horton seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
L. Out of District Requests – nil.
M. Gym & School Grounds Use Requests. One request was presented by Marc Milisavjevich to use the gym on Wednesdays thru the end of May 2022 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm for family and friends to recreate and play basketball. Twila Brenneman motioned to approve the gym use request as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
VII. Claims Approval. Nevada Hafer motioned to approve the claims list as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously
VIII. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 10 February 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 10 March 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
IX. Board Work Session – Training and Discussion for Board Professional Development
A. Open Meeting Rules. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen led a discussion covering this topic.
X. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair

1401, 2022

6 January 2022 Minutes

January 14th, 2022|

6 January 2022


I. Call to order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via a Zoom meeting platform. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, Barry Farrell, Nevada Hafer and Julie Horton. Also in attendance were Tami Ward, Principal, and Tammy Bartos, District Clerk.
II. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
III. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Substitute List. Barry Farrell motioned to approve the additions to the substitute teacher list as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. Information only – no updates. No motion.
IV. Claims Approval. Twila Brenneman motioned to approve the claims list as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
V. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 13 January 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 10 February 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
C. 10 March 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
VI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 4:04 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair

1401, 2022

9 December 2021 Minutes

January 14th, 2022|

9 December 2021


I. Call to order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:07 a.m. The meeting was held in the gym. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, Barry Farrell and Nevada Hafer; as well as Julie Horton upon appointment and swearing in. Also in attendance were Tami Ward, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, and Jennifer Johnson, Teacher and CEA President.
II. Minutes of 11 November 2021. Twila Brenneman motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Appoint & Swear in Trustee to Vacant Position. (The order of this item was adjusted to after the Policy section.) Julie Horton was presented as a trustee nominee to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Matt Hartle – his term expires May 2022. Twila Brenneman moved to appoint Julie Horton to fill the vacant trustee position. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Jack Eggensperger, County Superintendent joined the meeting by phone at 7:26 and swore her in. Julie officially joined the meeting as a trustee with the Consideration of Action Items VII.A.
IV. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. The monthly budget expenditure report was provided through 30 November 2021. General Fund is 29% committed and the Total of all Funds is at 24% committed. Fund 115 Project Report was also provided. Accounts are reconciled to the County Treasurer through October 2021.
B. Principal. Current student enrollment is 107. During November our school community gathered 388 items for the Bigfork Food Bank. We are currently hosting a toy drive for the non-profit Merry Market organization. The first round of formal teacher evaluations have been completed. Monthly building inspections have been completed with no recommended repairs. We had eight positive Covid-19 cases in our learning environment during the month of November and fifteen cases this school year. Parents/guardians were given a third notice of the potential cancellation of transportation services and a second notice of potential cancellation of classroom instruction due to a lack of substitutes. Due to an extended absence with no available substitute, one classroom had to go into independent remote learning for five days and the before school care program was cancelled one day. School Facility Conditions Inventory Report was provided with no updates. Mrs. Ward attended Title IX training and will assume the role of Coordinator and Investigator and Jack Eggensperger, County Superintendent of Schools, will assume the role of Decision Maker.
C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google Slide presentation.
VI. Policies
A. Policy Updates 1420, 2140, 5140, 2312P – 2nd Read. Barry Farrell motioned to approve the changes to policies 1420, 2140, and 5140 and the deletion of policy 2312P. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. New Policy 2221P – 2nd Read. Nevada Hafer motioned to approve policy 2221P as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Before School Care Substitute Contract- CC. Barry Farrell noted that a Thank You be extended to all staff/teachers that step up for these extra duty positions. Barry Farrell motioned to approve the extra duty contract for Cindi Conley as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. Information only. No motion.
C. ARP ESSER Plan Review and Call for Stakeholder Input. The ARP ESSER plan for Creston School was submitted to OPI August 16, 2021. Each school district that receives ARP ESSER funds must develop, make publicly available on the website, request stakeholder input, and review/resubmit the plan every six months. All stakeholders (parents, community members, staff members, teachers, Creston Teacher’s Union, Board Members, and Creston Special Education Department) are invited to provide requested changes, feedback, and/or questions regarding our ARP ESSER plan. Mrs. Ward sent an email on 12/2/2021 to invite input and also noticed it in the January Principal Newsletter. The plan will also be reviewed at the January 13 and February 10 Board meetings. Mrs. Ward invited those present for input. The plan may be accessed at our website here: Our District is currently on schedule to complete the plan by 2024. Discussion and Information only. No motion.
D. Substitute List – nil.
E. Transportation Contracts – nil.
F. Before School Care Contracts – nil.
G. Out of District Requests. Twila Brenneman motioned to acknowledge receipt of the attendance agreements. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously
H. Gym & School Grounds Use Requests – nil.
VIII. Claims Approval. Twila Brenneman motioned to approve the claims lists for November 30th and December 9th as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 13 January 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 10 February 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Board Work Session – Training and Discussion for Board Professional Development
A. Board Member Roles & Responsibilities. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen led a discussion covering this topic.
XI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair

912, 2021

11 November 2021 Minutes

December 9th, 2021|

11 November 2021


I. Call to order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:03 a.m. The meeting was held in the gym. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, Barry Farrell and Nevada Hafer. Matt Hartle had a planned absence. Also in attendance were Tami Ward, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, Jennifer Johnson, Teacher and CEA President, Deb Christiansen, Teacher, Julie Horton, and Susan Horner-Till.
II. Minutes of 14 October 2021. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the minutes as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously,
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil
IV. Information Items
A. Boardsmanship Leadership Academy. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen attended a board member leadership class at FVCC, she suggested having an agenda item for future board meetings regarding board professional development and will draw from the leadership class to develop an outline/topic list. There was discussion and the trustees in general thought this would be a good idea to try out and that it should be kept to a short time limit per meeting.
B. Notice of Subdivision No. 295. A notice from the Flathead County Planning and Zoning office was provided to the trustees regarding a subdivision proposal off Splendid View Drive.
C. Classified Employment Contract for Aide. Information regarding employee probationary period ending and being placed on a written contract for P. Choco.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. The monthly budget expenditure report was provided through 31 October 2021. General Fund is 20% committed and the Total of all Funds is at 17% committed. Fund 115 Project Report was also provided. Accounts are reconciled to the County Treasurer through August 2021. Fall Student Enrollment Count Day was October 4, 2021; total student count for Average Number Belonging (ANB) was submitted to the state and reported enrollment was 113. Also, the Out-of-District Attendance Report was submitted to the County; reported total on count day (10/4/2021) was 40.
B. Principal. Current student enrollment is 107. A student assembly was held October 29th. Monthly building inspections have been completed with no recommended repairs. We had six positive Covid-19 cases in our learning environment during the month of October. Crossroads program is fully staffed. Parents/guardians were given a second notice of the potential cancellation of transportation services and classroom instruction due to a lack of substitutes; cancellation and remote learning will be our last resort after all other solutions have been exhausted; we’ve had several multi-day absences recently with no available substitutes. The Safety Committee met in October; the next meeting will be in February. School Facility Conditions Inventory Report was provided with no updates. This month staff and students are participating in a food drive; all donations will be given to the Bigfork Food Bank. A report regarding the Special Education Cooperative was provided. The first round of teacher evaluations using the Teacher EPAS will be wrapping up later this month. Tami will be attending a Title IX training this month and will assume the role of Coordinator and Investigator; Jack Eggensperger, County Superintendent of Schools, will assume the role of Decision Maker.
C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google Slide presentation.
VI. Policies
A. Policy Updates 2050, 2168, 3222, 3231, 3235, 4330F, 5223, 5314, 7251 – 2nd Read. Barry Farrell motioned to approve the changes to the policies as presented with one addition to policy 4330F, item #1 under Premises and Conditions, to include a reference that policies are found on our website at Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Policy Updates 1420, 2140, 5140, 2312P – 1st Read. In the September 2021 edition of MTSBA Policy Notes, updates to the MTSBA Model Policy Manual needed to ensure compliance with the law and best practice were provided. Twenty-four polices were forwarded, some policies do not apply to our school, some of the changes have already been addressed, of those remaining updates we are only reviewing a portion of them this month. These policies require a second read. No action required at this time.
C. New Policy 2221P – 1st Read. A new recommended MTSBA Model Policy. This policy requires a second read. No action at this time.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Trustee Resignation & Declare Vacant Trustee Position. Barry Farrell motioned to declare a vacant trustee position due to the resignation of Matt Hartle and to fill the vacancy by appointment. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Selection of Board Chair & Vice Chair. Barry Farrell motioned to elect Jessica Sandven-Sorensen as Board Chair. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen motioned to elect Twila Brenneman as Board Vice Chair. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Appointment of Trustees as Document Signers. Nevada Hafer motioned to appoint Jessica Sandven-Sorensen and Twila Brenneman as approved to sign documents and warrants on behalf of Creston School District #9. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. The plan was provided for review – updates to add/revise dates proposed. Twila Brenneman motioned to approve the plan as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Property Disposal. A list of abandoned, obsolete, and undesirable property was presented as well as the required resolution. The resolution will be posted in the newspaper for the required two-week period. Barry Farrell motioned to approve the Property Disposal Resolution as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
F. MSPLIP Annual Membership Meeting. Barry Farrell motioned to approve a proxy representation for the MSPLIP Annual Membership Meeting and to accept Pamela Clary for the Board Seat. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Substitute List. Barry Farrell motioned to approve the addition to the substitute list as presented for the 2021/2022 school year. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
H. Transportation Contracts. One contract was presented with the fee waived for days that the parent is providing bus driving/training duties. Barry Farrell motioned to approve the transportation contract as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Before School Care Contracts – nil.
J. Out of District Requests. Barry Farrell motioned to acknowledge receipt of the attendance agreements. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
K. Gym & School Grounds Use Requests – nil.
VIII. Claims Approval. Nevada Hafer motioned to approve the claims list as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 December 2021, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 13 January 2022, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair

1111, 2021

14 October 2021 Minutes

November 11th, 2021|

14 October 2021


I. Call to order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:01 a.m. The meeting was held in the gym. Present were Board Trustees Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Twila Brenneman, Barry Farrell and Nevada Hafer. Matt Hartle had a planned absence. Also in attendance were Tami Ward, Principal, Tammy Bartos, District Clerk, and Jennifer Johnson, Teacher and CEA President.
II. Minutes of 9 September 2021. Nevada Hafer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence
IV. Reports:
A. Clerk. The monthly budget expenditure report was provided through 30 September 2021. General Fund is 12% committed and the Total of all Funds is at 12% committed. Fund 115 Project Report was provided through 30 September 2021. Accounts are reconciled to the County Treasurer through July 2021.
B. Principal. Enrollment is at 109. Building maintenance – an air quality inspection is being added to the monthly checklist. We had two positive cases in our learning environment during the month of September. Mrs. Ward completed several trainings for various roles she fills for our school – Gifted and Talented Program Director, Homeless Liaison, Indian Education for All Program Director. We were given notice that Intermountain is no longer able to serve students in the Flathead Valley due to staffing shortages. Interventions for Learning Loss: Title I Reading and Math services are underway for the 2021/2022 school year. These intervention sessions provide support to students experiencing learning loss. Additionally, teachers are implementing classroom interventions to support all students. Parents/guardians were given first notice of the potential cancellation of transportation services and classroom instruction due to a lack of substitute bus drivers and substitute teachers. Cancellation and remote learning will be our last resort after all other solutions have been exhausted. The safety committee met on October 13th and will meet a total of three times this school year. Teacher evaluations are scheduled and in process. Kelly Boswell worked with students and staff October 4th – 6th on Literacy Instruction Training with demonstration lessons. The TEAMS report has been submitted for the 2021/2022 school year; the successful completion of this report and requirements provide state accreditation for our school.
C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google Slides presentation.
V. Policies
A. Policy Updates – 2050, 2168, 3222, 3231, 3235, 4330F, 5223, 5314, 7251. In the September 2021 edition of MTSBA Policy Notes, updates to the MTSBA Model Policy Manual needed to ensure compliance with the law and best practice were provided. Twenty-four polices were forwarded, some policies do not apply to our school, some of the changes have already been addressed, of those remaining updates we are only reviewing a portion of them this month. These policies require a second read. No action required at this time.
VI. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Substitute Bus Driver Training. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the paid substitute bus driver training for K. Miller at a rate of $15.00 per hour. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan. No updates presented. Information only. No motion needed at this time.
C. Kelly Boswell Personal Services Contract Amendment. An amendment for needed lodging accommodations. Barry Farrell moved to approve the amendment to the contract as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Property Disposal. A list of abandoned, obsolete, and undesirable property was presented as well as the required resolution. The resolution will be posted in the newspaper for the required two-week period. Barry Farrell moved to approve the Property Disposal Resolution as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
E. MTSUIP Annual Meeting. Information regarding the annual meeting was presented. No action taken.
F. MSGIA Annual Meeting. Information regarding the annual meeting was presented. No action taken.
G. Principal & Clerk 2021/2022 Extra Duty Contract – COVID hours. Extra-duty contracts for time spent beyond the regular workday to prevent, prepare and respond to the COVID-19 virus for the term of 1 September 2021 – 30 June 2022. Twila Brenneman moved to approve the 2021/2022 COVID Extra Duty Contracts and compensation for T. Ward and T. Bartos as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
H. 2021/2022 Extra Duty Contracts – Custodian. A list of current employees willing to fill in as substitute custodian should the need arise was presented. Nevada Hafer moved to approve the 2021/2022 Custodian Extra Duty Contracts as presented. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Substitute List – nil.
J. Transportation Contracts. Eighteen (18) contracts were presented. Barry Farrell moved to approve the transportation contracts as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
K. Before School Care Contracts. Nine (9) contracts were presented. Barry Farrell moved to approve the contracts as presented. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
L. Out of District Requests. Attendance agreement requests for 8 students that reside in our district, attending another district. Twila Brenneman moved to acknowledge the receipt of these attendance agreements. Barry Farrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Attendance agreement requests for forty-one (41) students requesting Creston School District as their school of choice. Barry Farrell moved to approve these attendance agreements. Nevada Hafer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
M. Gym & School Grounds Use Requests – nil.
VII. Claims – October 2021. Nevada Hafer moved to approve the claim lists as presented. Twila Brenneman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 11 November 2021, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 9 December 2021, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
IX. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:32 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk

Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Board Chair

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