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So far Tammy Bartos has created 303 blog entries.
8 06, 2020

11 June 2020 Agenda – Regular Meeting


11 June 2020, 7:00 a.m. AT THE SCHOOL
Also, via Zoom

Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.
Due to COVID-19 public health concerns and social distancing restrictions, the public is encouraged to attend the meeting via electronic means. Please see the attached page for more information to connect remotely. If you choose to attend in person, please honor applicable health and safety protocols including, but not limited to physical distancing.

I. Call to order
II. Minutes of 14 May 2020 and 26 May 2020
III. Public Participation / Correspondence
IV. Information Items:
B. Video Surveillance/Door Access
C. Summer Program Safe Practices & Student Contract Information
V. Reports:
A. Clerk
B. Principal
C. Staff
VI. Policies:
A. MTSBA Policy Recommendations
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Creston School Calendar Change for 2020-2021
B. Septic System
C. NWMESA Agreement
D. Classified Staff Contracts renewal or non-renewal 2020-2021 & Compensation
E. Principal with Superintendent Duties Salary Negotiation & Contract 2020-2021
F. Teacher Contract JW 2020-2021
G. Clerk Salary Negotiation & Contract 2020-2021
H. Summer Program Considerations: Teacher Contracts
I. Flathead Crossroads Interlocal Agreement 2020-21
J. Hire Aide for 2020/2021
K. Bus Route(s) 2020-2021 & Interlocal Transportation Agreements
L. Bus Route to Intermountain for Summer 2020
M. Individual Transportation Contract Approval (OPI Form TR-4)
N. Authority to process claims June through August without convening a board meeting
O. American Red Cross Hold Harmless & Shelter Agreement
P. Gym & School Grounds Use request(s)
Q. Out of District Request(s)
VIII. Claims – June 2020
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 13 August 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Adjourn

Citizens may comment on items appearing on the agenda when invited to participate during that agenda item by the Board Chair. Citizens may comment on items related to School District business not appearing on this agenda during the public comment portion of the meeting as noted in the public comment form.

Information about this agenda, including the Board packet and supplemental documents, is available at the School District office. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

The Board Chair is authorized to adjust the order of agenda items to accommodate scheduling needs of interested parties. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 3744 5451
Password: 2QwZ94
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,87437445451#,,1#,976653# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,87437445451#,,1#,976653# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 874 3744 5451
Password: 976653

For questions, please contact the school at (406)755-2859


School Board Meeting Procedure

Notice Regarding Public Comment

Montana law requires school districts to include on the agenda for public meetings an item allowing public comments on any public matter not otherwise specifically listed on the agenda. As has also been the practice of the District, and in accordance with Montana law, if any member desires to speak to an item that is specifically listed on the agenda, you will be allowed to do so when the item comes up for discussion and action. The public comment portion of the agenda is not the time designated to hear items that are listed on the agenda.

If you wish to address the Board during the “public comment” portion of the meeting, please fill out the Public Participation Form at the bottom of this page. The Board Chairman will call individuals to speak. The Board would like to remind everyone in attendance that to avoid violations of individual rights of privacy, a member of the public wishing to address the Board during this time will not be allowed to make comments about any student, staff member, or member of the public while speaking. Individual comments will be limited to two (2) minutes.

By law the District cannot take any action on any matter discussed during the “public comment” portion of the meeting, until such time as the matter is noticed on the agenda, and the public has been allowed the opportunity to comment.


Name (Please Print)____________________________________________________

General Topic__________________________________________

11 June 2020 Agenda – Regular Meeting2023-03-10T17:37:12-07:00
5 06, 2020

10 June 2020 Video Surveillance and Door Access Committee Meeting


Creston School District #9
10 June 2020
9:00 via a Zoom video conference

Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.

I. Call to Order
II. 21 May 2020 Minutes
III. Review and Discuss Proposals and Recommendations
IV. Adjourn

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 5355 1482
Password: 8Li7Uv
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,85253551482#,,1#,686881# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,85253551482#,,1#,686881# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 852 5355 1482
Password: 686881
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kgen8kT2o

For questions, please contact the school at (406)755-2859

10 June 2020 Video Surveillance and Door Access Committee Meeting2020-06-05T16:53:52-06:00
21 05, 2020

30 April 2020 Minutes


30 April 2020


I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 4:31 p.m. in the Creston Gym. The meeting was also conducted via a Zoom Meeting platform to allow remote access. Members present: Arnold Bjork, Barry Farrell (remotely), Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal. In attendance via Zoom: Jennifer Johnson – 2nd grade teacher, Shanta Milne – Kindergarten teacher, Melissa Potts – 1st grade teacher and Nevada Hafer.
II. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
III. Information Items: The below listed items were presented to the Board to inform and aide in making needed decisions.
A. Governor’s Directive to Re-Open Phase One
B. Flathead, Lake & Lincoln County Health Department Letter to School Boards
C. Flathead City-County Health Department 4.27 Guidance to Schools
D. MT PEC Re-Open Guidelines
E. MT PEC School Year-End Recommendations
F. MNA Statement on Relaxing Stay-at-Home Restrictions
G. Staff Survey
H. School Families Survey
IV. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Declaration of Emergency. Governor Bullock recently announced a phased reopening in Montana. During his briefing, the Governor announced the waiver of student instruction time will expire on May 7 and local school boards will have the option to open school buildings should they so choose. The partners at the Montana Public Education Center recommended that local Board of Trustees adopt a motion to declare their own emergency to ensure the school district will continue to receive all state funding, including transportation funding, regardless of the district’s decision to open schools, continue off-site learning or pursue a blended model. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded that the Board of Trustees declare an unforeseen emergency within the meaning of that term as set forth in Title 20, Chapter 9, Part 8, to become immediately effective and to continue through June 30, 2020. This motion is based on COVID-19 risks; in recognition that the Governor’s waiver of student instruction time will expire on May 7; and in recognition that the Governor’s April 22, 2020 Directive implicating Executive Orders 2- 2020 and 3-2020 specify that elected school boards and their districts that adopt their own declaration of emergency will continue to receive all state funding, including transportation funding. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Instructional Plan for Remainder of Year and Summer 2020. A plan to continue with remote/online learning until the end of the 2019-2020 school calendar year was presented. Also, students who have not demonstrated proficiency in one or more area(s) will be extended an offer to attend a summer program; students in the summer program will receive support from a certified staff member; funding for the summer program will be from the COVID19 CARES issued money. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded that the Board of Trustees approve continuing online remote learning, as described in our previously submitted Action Plan, for all students, with the possibility, on a very limited and targeted basis, the ability of our building administrators to work collaboratively with staff and determine if a student should be invited for a check for academic and/or social/emotional support, consistent with Governor Bullock’s April 22, 2020 Directive implementing Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 and guidance for the phased reopening of Montana. Motion passed unanimously.
A. COVID-19 Policies 1900 Series. Trustees reviewed MTSBA developed Model Emergency Covid-19 Policies with recommended options and personalization for Creston School. The policies are intended to provide methods to complete the 2019-2020 school fiscal year and include updates to the previously distributed Emergency Policies 1900, 1901 and 1902. These new versions should be adopted in their entirety to replace the previous versions to reflect and govern new circumstances and to appropriately interpret the applicable statutes. Previously distributed Emergency Policy 1901 is now renumbered as Emergency Policy 1904 so the model policy on emergency policies can appear at the beginning of the sequence as Emergency. Arnold Bjork moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approving the adoption of the 1900 Series polices with recommendations by Administrator as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
1900 Introduction
1901 School District Policy and Procedures
1902 Alternative Grading
1903 School District Meetings and Gatherings
1904 Use of Transportation Funds
1905 Student, Staff, and Community Health and Safety
1906 Student Instruction and Services
1906P Student Instruction Resources and Best Practices
1907 School District Declaration of Emergency
1909 Human Resources and Personnel
1910 Personnel Use of Leave
1910F1 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Employee Request Form
1910F2 EFMLA Employee Request Form
1911 School District Budget Adoption and Amendment and Audit
V. Next Meeting Dates:
14 May 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
VI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

__________________________________ __________________________________
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk Matt Hartle, Board Chair

30 April 2020 Minutes2023-03-10T17:37:12-07:00
21 05, 2020

9 April 2020 Minutes


9 April 2020

I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:04 a.m. in the Creston Gym. The meeting was also conducted via a Zoom Meeting platform to allow remote access. Members present: Barry Farrell (remotely), Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen (remotely). Members absent: Arnold Bjork. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal. In attendance via Zoom: Jennifer Johnson – 2nd grade teacher, Shanta Milne – Kindergarten teacher, Melissa Potts – 1st grade teacher and Nevada Hafer.
II. Minutes of 12 March 2020, 18 March 2020, 27 March 2020. Shawn McDonough moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence. A letter from Governor Bullock to school superintendents regarding the school closure was submitted.
IV. Information Item:
A. CARES Act. A Guidance Document from OPI regarding the recently passed federal CARES Act and how it applies to Montana school districts was shared. The preliminary estimate for emergency funding for Creston School is $20,772.91.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure and Fund 115 Projects report includes payroll and claims through April 8, 2020. The General Fund is at 64% committed and the Grand Total of all funds is also at 64% committed. The claim for the new bus is included in this month’s report as delivery of the bus is expected soon. Reconciliation to the County Treasurer has been completed for February 2020. The on-site Audit for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 has been changed to a remote audit. The Policy Manual that Kris Goss of MTSBA has been working on is nearing completion.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is at 115. Mrs. Ward is in close contact with area administration, and other regulatory offices regarding the coronavirus outbreak. Regular monthly maintenance continues. During school closure Mrs. Ward is hosting a weekly teacher check-in via Zoom. The state of Montana has petitioned the Department of Education to be exempt from completing Smarter Balanced Assessment. The Education Cooperative and Crossroads did not hold meetings this month. A meeting was held via Zoom to discuss accommodations for special needs learners by the Special Education Cooperative. We did not receive any scholarship applications this year.
C. Staff. Mrs. Johnson gave a verbal report. Teachers are adapting to remote teaching and continue to improve their plans as each day/week pass.
VI. Policies:
A. 3235 – Video Surveillance – 2nd reading. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 4301 – Visitors to School – 2nd reading. Shawn McDonough moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Teacher Negotiations/Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Jennifer Johnson, CEA President, presented the proposed Creston Education Association (CEA) negotiation items. These items are being asked for based on the preliminary budget information provided to the board at the March 2020 meeting. Items to consider include a 3% increase to the base salary for the 2020/21 school year; an increase to the Cafeteria Stipend Plan from $600 per month to $630 per month; adjust necessary dates to reflect the updated year and revise the renewal period from two years to one year. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the requested negotiation items as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. MSSA Letter of Agreement for MSSA Programs 2020-21. The agreement to participate in the Standards Library and Guidance Programs was reviewed. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Hiring for a 1.0 Teacher for 2020/2021 (a one-year contract for Hess-Headlee leave). Applications are still being fielded. No motion needed.
D. Trustee Election Cancellation by Acclamation. There were three openings and three candidate filings – Arnold Bjork 3-year term, Barry Farrell 2-year term, Nevada Hafer 3-year term. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the Election Cancellation Notice as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Classified Hourly Staff Temporary Working Arrangements. The plan for our contracted, classified hourly paid staff was presented and includes wages to be paid according to regular schedules or average hours depending on the employment situation, employees are “on call” and to be available during regular work hours, advance approval of vacation or other leave, and overtime work to be approved in advance. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the Arrangements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
F. Student Handbook for 2020-2021. The handbook was reviewed, and a few changes were recommended to the handbook presented today. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the Handbook as presented with the changes discussed today. Motion passed unanimously.
G. MSGIA WC Program membership Plan – One- or Two-Year Plan. New this year, MSGIA is asking for a commitment to either a one- or two-year plan. The two-year plan has additional benefits we will utilize. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the two-year plan. Motion passed unanimously.
H. Bus Purchase Offers. An offer from Sheyenne Transport LLC for $8,500 has been received. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded acceptance of the offer with the condition that it be picked-up after we receive our new bus. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Substitute Teachers List – nil.
J. Transportation Contract(s) – nil.
K. Before School Care Contract(s) – nil.
L. Out of District Request(s) – nil.
M. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s) – nil.
VIII. Claims – April 2020. The trustees approved all claims as presented.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Reorganization and Regular Meeting
B. 11 June 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Executive Session for Principal Personnel Evaluation and consideration of closed session minutes. This was postponed.
XI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,

__________________________________ __________________________________
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk Matt Hartle, Board Chair

9 April 2020 Minutes2020-05-21T19:15:44-06:00
21 05, 2020

26 May 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda


26 May 2020, 8:00 a.m.
via Zoom

Meetings are open to the public; guests are welcome.
Due to COVID-19 public health concerns and social distancing restrictions, the public is encouraged to attend the meeting via electronic means. Please see the attached page for more information to connect remotely. If you choose to attend in person, please honor applicable health and safety protocols including, but not limited to physical distancing.

I. Call to order
II. Public Participation / Correspondence
III. Consideration of Action Items:
A. 6th Grade Day Trip June 2020 & Permission Form
B. Obsolete Property Resolution
IV. Next Meeting Date:
A. 11 June 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
V. Adjourn

Citizens may comment on items appearing on the agenda when invited to participate during that agenda item by the Board Chair. Citizens may comment on items related to School District business not appearing on this agenda during the public comment portion of the meeting as noted in the public comment form.

Information about this agenda, including the Board packet and supplemental documents, is available at the School District office. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

The Board Chair is authorized to adjust the order of agenda items to accommodate scheduling needs of interested parties.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 8587 6789
Password: 0UQyfs
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,85985876789#,,1#,218784# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,85985876789#,,1#,218784# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 859 8587 6789
Password: 218784



School Board Meeting Procedure

Notice Regarding Public Comment

Montana law requires school districts to include on the agenda for public meetings an item allowing public comments on any public matter not otherwise specifically listed on the agenda. As has also been the practice of the District, and in accordance with Montana law, if any member desires to speak to an item that is specifically listed on the agenda, you will be allowed to do so when the item comes up for discussion and action. The public comment portion of the agenda is not the time designated to hear items that are listed on the agenda.

If you wish to address the Board during the “public comment” portion of the meeting, please fill out the Public Participation Form at the bottom of this page. The Board Chairman will call individuals to speak. The Board would like to remind everyone in attendance that to avoid violations of individual rights of privacy, a member of the public wishing to address the Board during this time will not be allowed to make comments about any student, staff member, or member of the public while speaking. Individual comments will be limited to two (2) minutes.

By law the District cannot take any action on any matter discussed during the “public comment” portion of the meeting, until such time as the matter is noticed on the agenda, and the public has been allowed the opportunity to comment.


Name (Please Print)____________________________________________________

General Topic__________________________________________

26 May 2020 Special Board Meeting Agenda2023-03-10T17:37:12-07:00
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