Board Minutes2023-03-10T17:37:06-07:00

Board Minutes

1204, 2019

14 March 2019 Minutes

April 12th, 2019|



14 March 2019


I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. in the

Creston School Library with the following members present: Jessica Sandven-Sorensen,

Julie Tikka and Joanna Massie. Absent: Shawn McDonough – work related. Also, in

attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Jen Johnson – 2nd

grade teacher, Deb Christiansen – Title Teacher, Trevor Dahlman – Principal, Olney-Bissel

School, Gloria Graves – Friends of Creston Fire.

II. Information Item:

A. Middle School Considerations – including discussion with Trevor Dahlman, Principal,

Olney-Bissel School. Principal Dahlman shared information (enrollment, transition to

the high school, staffing, budget considerations, program offerings…) regarding the

middle-school program they have at Olney-Bissell. Will discuss next steps further at the

next Board meeting.

III. Minutes. Julie Tikka moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the minutes of the

14 February 2019 Regular & 19 February 2019 special meetings. Motion passed


IV. Public Participation / Correspondence.

A. An email from Annette Floyd was shared, which included a recent news report on Wi-Fi,

Bluetooth and possible link to cancer.

B. Gloria Graves, representing Friends of Creston Fire, presented information regarding

the upcoming Auction in April and the use of our school facilities.

V. Information Item:

A. Lawsuit William Rogers re. Wi-Fi Tower Installation – Update. Copies of documents

provided for information:

1. February 12, 2019 Order Dismissing with Prejudice

VI. Reports:

A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure through 14 March 2019 was presented. General Fund

is at 59% Committed. Total of all funds is at 46% Committed. Also, the OPI Pre-

Session Preliminary Budget Data Sheet for FY 2019-2020 was provided for information.

B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 102. Kindergarten Roundup is April 24th. Shanta

Milne, Jen Johnson and Tami Ward will attend a NWRISE Conference for Teacher

Professional Development in June. Fourth grade students have begun CRT

assessments. Teaching Assignments for 2019/2020 were shared. Education

Cooperative, Special Education Cooperative and Crossroads updates were given.

Building Maintenance, Facility Conditions and Safety Committee reports were shared.

C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google slides presentation.

D. 4th grade Class Presentation @ 8:00 a.m. – Student/Teacher Reader’s Theatre based

on Colonial Times.

VII. Policies: nil.

VIII. Consideration of Action Items:

A. Resignation of S. Peters and approval to hire part-time custodian for 2019/2020. S.

Peters has resigned her position as our custodian effective June 7th, 2019. Julie Tikka

moved and Joanna Massie seconded to approve beginning the hiring process for a

part-time custodian, either an individual or a contractor for 2019-2020. Motion passed


B. Approval to begin hiring process for a .5 “Specials” Teacher for 2019/2020. A

recommendation was put forward, based on the preliminary budget from OPI, to attempt

to hire a .5 Teacher to teach Music, and other “specials”. Both a .2 Music Teacher and

a .5 “Specials” Teacher will be advertised at the same time to acquire a larger pool of

applicants. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval

to begin the hiring process for a .5 Teacher to teach “specials” for 2019-2020. Motion

passed unanimously.

C. Coaching Contract – Cross-Country, E. Russell. Emily Russell, 6th grade teacher, has

agreed to coach our K-6 team. The rate is $400 (salary and mileage allowance). Julie

Tikka moved and Joanna Massie seconded approving the coaching contract as

presented. Motion passed unanimously.

D. Fiscal Year 18 Audit Engagement Agreement with Nicole M. Noonan, CPA. Jessica

Sandven-Sorensen moved and Julie Tikka seconded to accept the FY18 Audit

Engagement Agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

E. Preliminary FY20 General Fund Budget Scenarios. This Preliminary Budget was

provided to the Board to assist in decision making for Teacher Negotiations. No motion


F. Teacher Negotiations/CBA. Creston Education Association (CEA) teachers requested

changes to the salary schedule including a base salary increase for the 2019/2020 and

2020/2021 school years and increasing 2 additional Degree Plus Credit lanes to the

salary schedule. Julie Tikka moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to offer

the Teachers of the CEA a one-year 3% increase on the current base salary schedule

for the 2019/2020 school year and increasing 2 additional lanes of BA + 75, BA +90,

and MA +75 and MA + 90. Motion passed unanimously. The CEA will need to meet

and vote on the counter-offer.

G. Trustee Resolution SB 307 – Estimating changes in revenues/mills from tuition, building

reserve, transportation and bus depreciation levies for 2019-2020. (The full resolution

was presented and is available for review.) Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and

Joanna Massie seconded to accept the SB307 Resolution as presented. Motion

passed unanimously.

H. Calendar 2019-2020. Two options were presented. Option 1 followed Kalispell School

District beginning and end date. Option 2 begin date was after Labor Day and end date

was 3 days later than Kalispell. Julie Tikka moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen

seconded to accept the Option 1 calendar for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion

passed unanimously.

I. NW MT Educational Cooperative for 2019 – 2021 – Intention to Participate. This

Cooperative provides support services to its member districts to fulfill the requirements

of the Montana Standards of Accreditation including formulating and implementing

curriculum. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval

to participate in the NW MT Educational Cooperative for 2019 -2021. Motion passed


J. Equipment Disposal Resolution – BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees …, will

sell or dispose of obsolete equipment because they have become undesirable, or

unsuitable for school purposes of the district. A list of said property … is available at the

District Clerk’s Office, … (The full resolution was presented and is available for review.)

Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Julie Tikka seconded approval of the resolution

as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

K. Creston Scholarship Committee Formation. Two $250 Scholarships are available to

graduating High School Seniors who attended Creston Elementary School. The

Committee includes one Board Member. Joanna Massie volunteered for the position.

No motion needed.

L. Substitute Teacher List – nil.

M. Transportation Contract(s). Joanna Massie moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen

seconded to approve the contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

N. Before School Care Contract(s). Julie Tikka moved and Joanna Massie seconded

approval of the contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

O. Out of District request(s). Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie

seconded to approve the agreements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

P. Gym & School Grounds Use request(s). Randy Sundberg is requesting use of the gym

on April 20, 2019 from 9 am to 2 pm for the Flathead Firewise Council to hold a Living

with Wildfire Community Event. Joanna Massie moved and Julie Tikka seconded

approval of the request as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

IX. Claims for March 2019. Board approved all Claims for March 2019.

X. Next Meeting Dates:

A. 11 April 2019, 7:00 am Regular Meeting

B. Policy Meeting with MTSBA -TBD

XI. Meeting adjourned at 8:42 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk                Matt Hartle, Chairman

1503, 2019

19 February 2019 Minutes – Special

March 15th, 2019|



19 February 2019


I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Joanna Massie, Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen and Julie Tikka. Also, in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Kris Goss – MTSBA Director of Policy Services, Senior Counsel.

II. Public Participation / Correspondence– nil.

III. Board Policy Review – Kris Goss, is working with our district to customize our school district policy, procedures, and handbooks to comply with the legal requirements of state and federal law.  Today we reviewed 1000 and 2000 series policies.

IV. Next Meeting Dates:

A. 14 March 2019 7:00am, Regular Meeting

B. Policy Review with MTSBA – date TBD

C. Visits to other Middle Schools – TBA

V. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,


Tammy Bartos, District Clerk                               Matt Hartle, Chairman

1503, 2019

14 February 2019 Minutes

March 15th, 2019|



14 February 2019


I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen and Julie Tikka; Joanna Massie arrived at 7:30 am. Also, in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Shanta Milne – K teacher.

II. Minutes.Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonoughseconded approval of the minutes of the 10 January 2019 Regular Meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

III. Public Participation / Correspondence– nil.

IV. Information Items:

A. Lawsuit William Rogers re. Wi-Fi Tower Installation – Update.Copies of documents provided for information:

a. January 2019 Settlement and Mutual Release of all claims

b. 17 January 2019 Order for status hearing

c. 01 February 2019 Stipulation to dismiss with Prejudice

B. Building Conditions Report – An update to the Facilities Condition Inventory 2008 Report.All repairs categorized as “safety”, “damage/wear out”, or “codes and standards” in the report have been addressed, except for the exterior steps off of the teacher’s lounge.  This is to be taken care of this June.

V. Reports:

A. Clerk. No report this month.

B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 100. The art mural project has been completed.Regular monthly maintenance tasks have been completed.  A current Facility Conditions Inventory Report (different from the 2008 report) was provided – details current areas of need, deficiency category and status.  Third grade is participating in a NWRISE engineering and design activity. The easyCBM (math) mid-year assessment results show that more students have moved into the proficient category (76%).  Fourth grade students will take the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Assessment February 19th.  This month our school reached out to senior citizens. Students created Valentines and Valentine bookmarks for residents and workers at Rising Sun Assisted Living Center in Bigfork.  Updates on the Education Cooperative, Special Education Cooperative, and Crossroads program were given.  Middle School Considerations –   When considering a K-5 model, please note that Kalispell Public Schools is not able to take our 6thgraders; If we choose to offer 7thand 8thgrade at Creston, parents will not be able to send their students to Kalispell Middle School; costs that included a prefab building, teachers, staff, curriculum, furniture, etc. were roughly estimated, as was the estimated increase in funding; the Board will schedule visits to other middle schools as a next step.

C. Staff. Shanta Milne brought in iPads with QR codes and the staff report was shared via a Google slides presentation.Each teacher provided a slide for the board to see the learning that is happening in the classrooms.

D. 6thgrade class presentation – Several of the 6thgraders shared call to action letters.

VI. Policies: nil.

VII. Consideration of Action Items:

A. Resignation of D. Klassy and approval to hire .2 music teacher for 2019/2020 – David Klassy has submitted his resignation to take effect at the end of this school year; therefore, it is necessary to seek a replacement. Julie Tikka moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded beginning the hiring process for a .2 Music Teacher for 2019 – 2020.Motion passed unanimously.

B. Trustee Resolution Calling for an Election – BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees for School District No. 9, Flathead County, State of Montana, will hold the Annual Regular School Election on Tuesday, the 7th day of May 2019…; The election will be conducted by Poll Election…; The purpose of the election is to elect two (2) trustees – two, three-year terms, or as otherwise designated. Approval of additional levies to operate and maintain Creston School for FY 2020 will also be requested. (The full resolution was presented and is available for review.) Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded to accept the resolution as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

C. Calendar 2019-2020 – Two preliminary calendar options were presented to The Board. Option 1 follows Kalispell’s calendar closely (same start, Christmas and Spring Break, and end dates); Option 2 has a start date after Labor Day and the end date is three days later. Next month the calendars will again be addressed. As these were only presented as information no motion was needed.

D. Substitute Teacher List – rehire of S. Adams was recommended. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the Substitute Teacher List as presented for the school year 2018-2019.

E. Transportation Contract(s). nil.

F. Before School Care Contract(s) – Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

G. Out of District request(s). Julie Tikka moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to acknowledge receipt of the attendance agreements for students residing in the Creston School District and attending another district. Motion passed unanimously.

H. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). Many Lakes HOA President, Randy Sundberg, is requesting use of the gym on February 16, 2019 from 9 am to 2 pm for their annual HOA meeting. Joanna Massie moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to approve the request as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

VIII. Claims.Board approved all Claims for February 2019.

IX. Next Meeting Dates:

A. 19 February 2019, 4:00 – 8:00pm, Policy Review with MTSBA Staff

B. 14 March 2019 7:00am, Regular Meeting

C. Visits to other Middle Schools – TBA

X.  Meeting adjourned at 8:09 a.m., then …Closed Session for Principal EPAS midyear conversation – Mrs. Ward will share evidence.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk                               Matt Hartle, Chairman

103, 2019

10 January 2019 Minutes

March 1st, 2019|



10 January 2019


I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Joanna Massie, Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen and Julie Tikka. Also, in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Jennifer Johnson – 2ndgrade teacher.

II. Minutes.Julie Tikka moved and Shawn seconded approval of the minutes of the 13 December 2018 – Regular Meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

III. Public Participation / Correspondence– A letter from Jack Eggensperger, Flathead County Superintendent of Schools to Mr. Rogers. The conclusion: “…that the Easement was granted at a properly noticed public meeting …” “… appeal is denied.”

IV. Information Items:

A. Lawsuit William Rogers re. Wi-Fi Tower Installation – Update.Copies of documents provided for information:

a. 11 Dec 2018 Response and Brief in Opposition to Intervening Party’s Motion to Dismiss

b. 17 Dec 2018 MontanaSky Networks Rebuttal, Supporting Rule 12(b)6 Motion to Dismiss

B. Candidates for Trustee Election on May 7, 2019 may file a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy between Thursday, December 13, 2018 and Thursday, March 28, 2019.There are two trustee position subject to election this year, both for 3 year terms.

V. Reports:

A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure through 10 January 2019 was submitted. General Fund is at 42% committed and Grand Total of all funds is at 34%. Also reported on Fund 115 projects, Reconciliation to County Treasurer, p-Card status and MTSUIP/MTSBA Annual HR Symposium in February.

B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 103. Over Christmas break we had insulation blown in above the library to prevent ice dams; and the scoreboard is working and ready for our first basketball game in nearly twelve years, which will be held February 4that 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Ward and Mr. Hagen have completed a facility inspection. Teachers are continuing a study of the book Engaging Children.  This month all students will take the mid-year benchmark assessment in math called EasyCBM.  Additionally, all K-2 students are assessed in reading using the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark assessment.  Twenty-one pairs of mittens/gloves were donated in December to Intermountain Services.  Mrs. Shanks will be our representative at the Education Cooperative to view new textbook recommendations for Social Studies.  The management board, of the Special Education Cooperative, has signed papers for the purchase of a building in Kalispell for the offices, special education preschool and communication disorders School.  The Safety Committee is looking into recommendations for the sidewalk in front of the annex – a cover or roof/gutter heaters.  Following up on the School Growth Survey from November, the following Middle School Considerations were explored:  1) Funding for an accredited Middle School Program would be approximately $1562 more per 7thand 8thgrade student than the Elementary K-6 rate; also it’s recommended to do an application for an anticipated enrollment increase prior to the regular budget approval period; 2) Basic Education Program for Middle Grades was reviewed – the  Middle School Philosophy program is the recommended program by Mrs. Ward;  further discussion and information will be provided at next months meeting including minimum enrollment, funding projections and building possibilities.

C. Staff. Jennifer Johnson brought in I-pads and QR codes and the staff report was shared via a Google slides presentation.Each teacher provided a slide for the board to see the learning that is happening in the classrooms.

VI. Policies: nil.

VII. Consideration of Action Items:

A. Coaching Stipend – E. Russell, Girls Basketball. We have a 5th/6thcombined Girls Basketball team this year! Emily Russell, 6thgrade teacher, has agreed to coach the team. The rate is $650 (salary and mileage allowance). Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded approving the coaching contract as presented.  Motion passed unanimously.

B. Public Employees Retirement System – Agency Motion to Adopt Contract. A vote by secret ballot was held on Tuesday, January 8that which 100% of eligible employees voted to accept PERS. Julie Tikka moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded to adopt the PERS Contract as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

C. Rogers vs. Creston School Lawsuit – Motion to execute a mutual release. William Rogers has offered to dismiss his lawsuit, release all claims and allow the District to proceed with the construction of a tower by MontanaSky Networks in exchange for a mutual release of any and all claims. Our Counsel has recommended acceptance of the offer. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to agree to execute a mutual release with William Scott Rogers.  Motion passed unanimously.

D. Transportation Contract(s). nil.

E. Before School Care Contract(s). nil.

F. Out of District request(s). Julie Tikka moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to acknowledge receipt of the attendance agreements for students residing in the Creston School District and attending another district. Motion passed unanimously.

G. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming have requested the use of the gym on Friday, February 1, 2019 for the purpose of an Informational Meeting with Students Grades K-1 and their parents/guardians. Joanna Massie moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded to approve the request as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

VIII. Claims.Board approved all Claims for January 2019.

IX. Next Meeting Dates:

A. 14 February 2019 7:00am, Regular Meeting

B. Policy Review with MTSBA Staff – Tentative: Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 4:00 – 8:00pm

X. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk                               Matt Hartle, Chairman

1501, 2019

13 December 2018 Minutes

January 15th, 2019|



13 December 2018 MINUTES

I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:01 a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen and Julie Tikka. Also, in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Emily Russell – 6th grade teacher. Absent: Joanna Massie (other responsibilities).

II. Minutes. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Julie Tikka seconded approval of the minutes of the 7 November 2018 – Regular Meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.

IV. Information Items:

A. Lawsuit William Rogers re. Wi-Fi Tower Installation – Update. Copies of documents provided for information:

a. 9 Oct 2018 Motion for amended complaint

b. 9 Oct 2018 Amended Complaint

c. 26 Oct 2018 Defendant’s answer to plaintiff’s amended complaint

d. Order Granting Leave to Intervene – by MontanaSky Networks – approved

e. 9 Nov 2018 Response to County Superintendent – fax date 11 Nov 2018

f. 14 Nov 2018 Order re: Motion for Preliminary Injunction – denied

g. 21 Nov 2018 Motion for reconsideration of order denying plaintiff’s motion for preliminary injunction

h. 3 Dec 2018 Intervenor’s (MSN) Response to Plaintiff’s Motion to reconsider

i. 10 Dec 2018 Intervenor’s MSN Motion and Brief to Dismiss

B. Attorney Statements. Copies of documents provided for information. These statements/invoices are being paid by our liability insurer.

a. 26 Nov 2018 Statement from Faure Holden Attorneys re. Rogers

b. 26 Nov 2018 Statement from Faure Holder Attorneys re. Kukla

C. Flathead County Superintendent of Schools Statistical Report of Schools 2018. Report was handed out.

D. MTSBA Policy Maintenance – Update. MTSBA is in the process of working on our draft policies. At the January Board Meeting we will discuss scheduling a meeting to review policies the end of January or in February.

V. Reports:

A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure through 13 December 2018 was submitted. General Fund is at 34% committed and Grand Total of all funds is at 28%.

B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 101. Jan Lord, artist in residence, is finishing up the mural with 3rd – 6th graders this month. LED light panels on the reader board will be replaced; and facility inspections have been completed with no recommendations at this time. Teachers are using the student data from the NWRISE Engagement Survey to work on issues and concerns. Teachers have completed a couple of chapters in the Super Spellers book and a spelling inventory on all students. Tami Ward was an education panel member at the Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Flathead group, on December 7th. First round of formal teacher observations has been completed. In November, 519 total food items were collected by our school community for the Food Bank. There were 56 responses received to the School Growth survey that was offered to parents and staff. The majority favored adding a 7th and 8th grade; next step options will be presented at a future meeting including visiting other schools, funding and education requirements.

C. Staff. Emily Russell reported on the various classroom topics and events happening throughout the school.

VI. Policies: nil.

VII. Consideration of Action Items:

A. Procurement Card (p-Card). The Montana Association of School Business Officials (MASBO) has partnered with Illinois ASBO’s Procurement Card Program for several years and is very satisfied with this program. Procedures and forms to administer the program in a fiscally responsible manner would be put into place prior to using the cards. Julie Tikka moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded to approve applying to and entering into a contract for an Illinois ASBO’s Procurement Card through the Bank of Montreal with a total initial monthly credit limit of $45,000. (The entire resolution follows.) Motion passed unanimously. Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Individual Procurement Cards WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Creston School District #9, Flathead County, State of Montana, has the authority to enter into an agreement with the Bank of Montreal for purchasing cards; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Creston School District #9, Flathead County, State of Montana, that the Chairman and Clerk are authorized to enter into an Agreement with the Bank of Montreal to secure Procurement Cards for each authorized employee of the school district under such terms and conditions as approved by the Board. The Board of Trustees, authorizes the School District Clerk to execute a p-Card program agreement on its behalf. Approved this 13th day of December 2018. Ayes: 4; Nays: none.

B. PERS – Public Employees Retirement System for Classified Non-Instructional Staff. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to pass the following resolution: The Board of Trustees for School District No. 9, Flathead County, State of Montana, intends to approve a Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) coverage contract upon approval of a secret ballot election of all eligible employees. Motion passed unanimously.

C. Aflac – after-tax Disability option. In November an Aflac representative was invited to present the plans they have to offer. Several employees elected to participate. Because this plan is being offered as a pre-tax only option/deduction there is no action required by the Board.

D. Transportation Contract(s). nil.

E. Before School Care Contract(s). nil.

F. Out of District request(s). Julie Tikka moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to approve the attendance agreement for a student residing in Creston School District and attending another district. Motion passed unanimously.

G. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). nil.

VIII. Claims. Board approved all Claims for December 2018.

IX. Next Meeting Dates:

A. 10 January 2018 7:00am, Regular Meeting

X. Meeting adjourned at 7:44 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk                                 Matt Hartle, Chairman

1712, 2018

7 November 2018 Minutes

December 17th, 2018|



7 November 2018


I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:03 a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Joanna Massie, Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen and Julie Tikka. Also, in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Deb Christiansen – Title & PE teacher.

II. Minutes. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the minutes of the 10 October 2018 – Regular Meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

III. Public Participation / Correspondence– nil.

IV. Information Items:

A. Lawsuit filed by William Rogers re. Wi-Fi Tower Installation – Update. a.) Rule 16 Scheduling Order, signed October 16, 2018, has been received. b) MontanaSky Networks filed a Motion & Brief for Leave to Intervene on October 16, 2018.  c) A letter of appeal by William Rogers regarding the board decision has been received by Jack Eggensperger, the County Superintendent of Schools, a response has been requested and our attorney is responding.  d) On October 31, 2018 MontanaSky Networks filed an Unopposed Motion for Stay to Allow for Settlement.  Although, unfortunately, this was done without the approval of the Creston School Board, it has in any case been denied by the Judge.

B. Whispering Pines Subdivision. A Notice regarding a proposed subdivision just east of Highway 35 off of Mennonite Church Road was received from the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Department.

C. Report Card Format. Tami Ward explained a planned revision to the format of the report cards.The change is in response to a survey sent out last year.  The grading standards remain the same, just the format which the parents receive will change.

D. Public Employees Retirement System for Classified Non-Instructional Staff. Tammy Bartos presented information regarding the offering this retirement system to this type of employee. Initial steps have previously been taken in prior years.

E. Procurement Card (p-Card) Information. Tammy Bartos presented information regarding this option for replacing the current credit card we use – which is a personally guaranteed card. This p-Card is offered through a partnership with MASBO and Illinois ASBO.

V. Reports:

A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure through 7 November 2018 was submitted. General Fund is at 27% committed and Grand Total of all funds is at 22%. Balanced to County Treasurer for July, August and September 2018.  Fall Student Enrollment Count Report was submitted to MAEFAIRS in October – reported enrollment was 101.

B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 101.Jan Lord, artist in residence is working with 3rd– 6thgraders on a mural, being funded by the Montana Arts Council. Heat tape has been installed in the gutters in the problem areas and two pieces of playground equipment have arrived and may yet be installed before the ground is frozen. Professional Development: Tami Ward attended the National Rural School Conference; October early out for PD was a Zoom conference with NWRISE, student engagement survey, review of various procedures and classroom goals and Title I services; the first observation cycle of teachers will be completed mid-November.  Tami Ward will be a panel member in an education town hall discussion through the Chamber of Commerce in December.  Reported on the various Cooperatives we are a part of.  The process of preplanning for the 2020/2021 school year will begin with a survey to the school and staff, of primary interest is whether we should remain a K-6thschool or become a K-8thor preK-5thgrade school.

C. Staff. Deb Christiansen reported on the various classroom topics and events happening throughout the school.

D. Class Presentations. At 8:00 a.m. representatives from the 2ndgrade class presented their correspondence with pen pals; Also, 3rdgrade class representatives presented book reviews and math work.

VI. Policies:

A. Joanna Massie moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to approve the second and final reading of policy 2000 INSTRUCTION – Goals (Revision) as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

VII. Consideration of Action Items:

A. Hold Harmless Agreement with Eastside Grange. The Grange is a temporary shelter for school children during a school emergency. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded to approve the Hold Harmless Agreement with the Eastside Grange.  Motion passed unanimously.

B. MSPLIP (property & liability insurance) Member Proxy for November 13, 2018 meeting. The annual meeting requires a quorum.  An authorized representative from our school may attend or a proxy may be appointed. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to appoint the MSPLIP Chairman of the Board of Directors as Proxy holder for the November 13, 2018 Annual Meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.

C. MTSBA Policy Maintenance Contract. The MTSBA Policy Services program helps ensure school districts operate in accordance with established practices and applicable laws.  They will work with our school district policy, procedures, and handbooks to comply with the legal requirements of state and federal law. As a member of the maintenance program, they will review and continually update the District’s policies to adequately reflect operations.  Julie Tikka moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the MTSBA Custom Small School Policy Manual Agreement as presented.  Motion passed unanimously.

D. Substitute Teacher List. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded to approve the substitute teacher list as presented.  Motion passed unanimously.

E. Transportation Contract(s). nil.

F. Before School Care Program – Fee Waiver. There are times that before school meetings occur with parents, who have their student(s) with them.  It would be helpful to allow those students access to the Before School Care Program so the meetings can be conducted efficiently.  Shawn McDonough moved, and Joanna Massie seconded to approve allowing the Principal to waive the fee and allow students to use the Before School Care Program when conducting authorized before school meetings with parents.  Motion passed unanimously.

G. Before School Care Contract(s). nil.

H. Out of District request(s). Julie Tikka moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to acknowledge receipt of the attendance agreements for students residing in Creston School District, choosing to attend another district.  Motion passed unanimously.  Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded to approve the attendance agreements for out-of-district students who request attendance at Creston School.  Motion passed unanimously.

I. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). Tom Martinez is requesting the use of our gym on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of basketball, beginning ASAP through May 31, 2018.  Julie Tikka moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded to approve the gym use requests as presented.  Motion passed unanimously.

VIII. Claims.Board approved all Claims for November 2018.

IX. Next Meeting Dates:

A. 13 December 2018 7:00am, Regular Meeting

X. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy Bartos, District Clerk                               Matt Hartle, Chairman

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