Board Minutes
27 March 2020 Minutes
27 March 2020
I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. in the Creston School Gym. The following members were present: Arnold Bjork, Barry Farrell, Shawn McDonough and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal, Jen Johnson – 2nd grade Teacher and Jeff Hagen – Bus/Maintenance.
II. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
III. Policies:
A. 3650 – Pupil Online Personal Information Protection. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to approve policy 3650 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 1900 – Temporary COVID-19 Policies. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to approve policy 1900 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. 1901 – Use of Transportation Funds. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to approve policy 1901 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Board consideration of current circumstances related to COVID-19 to include an extension of school closure and a Plan of Action. Several items were discussed including an extension to the unforeseen emergency declaration made on 18 March; the Shelter-in-Place order by the Governor issued yesterday which declares K-12 education as an essential function; the Plan of Action document from the Governor’s office; since our funding is remaining in place our hourly paid staff are being paid at their regular/averaged time, also because some staff have no duties and others do (our custodian and maintenance staff have modified duties) those who are on a modified duty schedule are being compensated for that additional time above their average. Board members expressed their admiration to the teachers/staff for an exceptional job done on going to remote learning and handling this situation we are all in.
Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to declare an unforeseen emergency in accordance with Sections 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA, due to the community and school health concerns related to COVID-19 and authorize the administration to take necessary steps to execute this declaration and inform the public and government agencies of this declaration and that this declaration is to run concurrent with any declaration of emergency by the President, Congress, Montana Legislature, Governor or County Health Department. Motion passed unanimously.
Arnold Bjork moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to approve the Creston School District Plan of Action as required by the Governor as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Memorandum of Agreement with Creston Education Association (CEA) Regarding Working Conditions. This item was combined with item C. Please see item C below.
C. Memorandum of Agreement with Creston Education Association (CEA) Regarding The Families First Coronavirus Response Act. A Memorandum of Agreement between Creston School District and the Creston Education Association (CEA) which included working conditions and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act in one document was presented. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the Agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Sale of Bus – Offer to Purchase. No written offers were available. No motion needed.
V. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 April 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Reorganization and Regular Meeting
VI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 1:33p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk
Matt Hartle, Board Chair
18 March 2020 Minutes
18 March 2020
I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. in the Creston School Gym. The following members were present: Arnold Bjork, Barry Farrell, Shawn McDonough and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal and Deborah Christiansen – Title Teacher.
II. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
III. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Board consideration of current circumstances related to COVID-19 for possible declaration of unforeseen emergency pursuant to 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA. Also, possible declaration determining proficiency of students and providing offsite instruction.
Following the Montana School Board Association recommendation that all school boards declare an unforeseen emergency and also give their administrators authority regarding Proficiency and Offsite Instruction the Creston School Board convened to address these issues.
1) Unforeseen Emergency: Arnold Bjork moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded the motion to declare an unforeseen emergency in accordance with Sections 20-9-801 through 20-9-806, MCA, due to the community and school health concerns related to COVID-19 and authorize the administration to take necessary steps to execute this declaration and inform the public and government agencies of this declaration. Motion passed unanimously.
2) Proficiency: Arnold Bjork moved and seconded the motion to authorize the Administrator to work with district staff in making determinations regarding pupils who are proficient in courses in which the pupils are enrolled without regard to the aggregate hours of instruction provided. The Administrator is directed to make a final determination of proficiency for each pupil for each enrolled course, using district assessments, including class grades at a minimum, and reporting a full-time equivalent conversion of ANB for such pupils, based on the scheduled time ordinarily provided through the aggregate hours of instruction for such courses. Motion passed unanimously.
3) Offsite Instruction: Jessica Sandven moved and Shawn McDonough seconded the motion to authorize the Administrator to work with district staff in providing instruction for pupils of the district. Such instruction may include any method or methods identified as appropriate by the Administrator, including but not limited to offsite instruction as defined and referenced in sections 20-1-101(5); 20-1-101(14); 20-7-118; and 20-9-311(11), MCA. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 11 June 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
V. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk
Matt Hartle, Board Chair
12 March 2020 Minutes
12 March 2020
I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. in the Creston School Library. The following members were present: Arnold Bjork, Barry Farrell and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen. Absent: Shawn McDonough. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal, Cindi Conley – Special Ed Teacher and Melissa Potts – 1st grade teacher.
II. Minutes of 13 February 2020. Arnold Bjork motioned and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information Item:
A. Candidates for Trustee Election may file a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy between Thursday, December 12, 2019 and Thursday, March 26, 2020.
B. Status of Bus Sale. Advertisements have been posted.
C. Budget Amendment Resolution – Letter from OPI. The confirmation letter from OPI was shared. Most notable item was the revised approved amount of $32,552.06.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure and Fund 115 Projects report includes payroll and claims through March 12, 2020. The General Fund is at 57% committed and the Grand Total of all funds is at 47% committed. Reconciliation to the County Treasurer has been completed for January 2020.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 116. Tami Ward is in close contact with area administration regarding the coronavirus outbreak and an action plan is being created as more information becomes available. Building Maintenance – summer maintenance plans are underway. School Facilities Report includes a broad estimate on the needed septic system/drainfield upgrade. Teacher Professional Development – teachers shared a math game and the math objective/standard it is supporting and plans for the Salish Kootenai College pre-service teachers for an Indian Education For All day are underway. Smarter Balanced Assessments will begin in April. Education Cooperative – Teacher Appreciation night will be April 29th. Special Education Cooperative – Mrs. Ward recently toured the building and the improvements that have been made, outside improvements will begin now that the former building and property have been sold; also toured the Communication Disorder Program and Special Education Preschool. Scholarship Committee – Matt Hartle volunteered to represent the Board as part of the committee. Community Service – 5th and 6th graders will serve as runners at the upcoming Creston Auction.
C. Staff. Cindi Conley shared the staff report via a Google Slides presentation which highlights student work and projects.
VI. Policies:
A. 1000SG (Strategic Planning Series) – information only. This series was provided for information only.
B. 3235 – Video Surveillance. The MTSBA model policy was reviewed and discussed. 1st read. No motion needed.
C. 4301 – Visitors to School. The MTSBA model policy was reviewed and discussed. 1st read. No motion needed.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2020-2021. The Preliminary Budget for next fiscal year was provided to assist trustees and administration in decision making for upcoming needs and requests. The Budget Data Sheet from OPI was also provided. No motion needed.
B. Trustee Resolution SB 307 – Estimating changes in revenues/mills from tuition, building reserve, transportation and bus depreciation levies for 2020-2021. The full Levy Resolution and supporting documentation was presented. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Barry Farrell seconded to approve the Levy Resolution as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Teacher Negotiations/CBA. A fiscal year 2019-2020 Teacher Base Salary Comparison, (including Insurance/Flex Plans) of schools in the Flathead Valley was provided. The teachers plan to meet next week after reviewing the Preliminary FY2020-21 Budget and returning to the next board meeting with a possible proposal. No motion needed.
D. Hiring for Long-Term Substitute for 6th Grade – Employment Contract(s). A recommendation to hire T. Mumm for .5 FTE of the position and T. Ward for the other .5 FTE of the position was presented. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Arnold Bjork seconded to approve the hiring of T. Mumm and T. Ward as presented and to approve the employment contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Hiring for a 1.0 Teacher for 2020/2021 (a one-year contract for Hess-Headlee leave). On March 3rd the Hiring Committee met to review applications. At that time, it was decided to postpone interviews until more applications are received. No motion needed.
F. Substitute Bus Driver Services. Harlow’s has agreed to provide a substitute bus driver as needed. Arnold Bjork moved and Barry Farrell seconded to approve the substitute bus driver services by Harlow’s as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Student Handbook for 2020-2021. A draft of the Student Handbook for next year was provided for review. Trustees and administration will continue to review and will look at this again at the next board meeting. No motion needed.
H. Equipment/Property Disposal Resolution. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the Resolution for disposal of property as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Substitute Teachers List – nil.
J. Transportation Contract(s). Arnold Bjork moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the transportation contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
K. Before School Care Contract(s) – nil.
L. Out of District Request(s). Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the attendance agreements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
M. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). Many Lakes HOA requesting the gym on Saturday, April 18, 2020 from 9:00a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for a Living with Wildfire community meeting. Arnold Bjork moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the gym use request as presented at no charge. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Claims – February 20, 2020 & March 2020. The trustees approved all claims as presented.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 April 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 14 May 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Executive Session for Clerk Personnel Evaluation and consideration of closed session minutes. At 8:21 a.m. Board Chair, Matt Hartle, closed the meeting in order to protect the individual rights of Tammy Bartos, District Clerk. Upon re-opening the meeting at 8:50 a.m. Arnold Bjork moved and Barry Farrell seconded approval of the evaluation and of the executive session minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
XI. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk
Matt Hartle, Board Chair
This series being provided for informational purposes only.
1000SG Overview of Strategic Governance Model
1000SG -P 12 Month Board Meeting Alignment Chart
1001SG Vision of High Expectations
1001SG -P Vision of High Expectations
1002SG Beliefs and Values
1002SG -P Beliefs and Values
1003SG Accountability
1003SG -P Accountability
1004SG Collaborative Relationships
1004SG -P Collaborative Relationships
1005SG Data to Drive Continuous Improvement
1005SG -P Data to Drive Continuous Improvement
1006SG Aligning and Sustaining Resources
1006SG -P Aligning and Sustaining Resources
1007SG United Governance Team
1007SG -P United Governance Team
1008SG Team Development and Training
1008SG -P Team Development and Training
1009SG Innovation
1010SG Board Self-Assessment
1010SG -F1 Board Meeting Assessment Form
1010SG -F2 School Board Annual Self-Assessment Form
1010SG -F3 SMaC Recipe Board of Trustees Exercise
13 February 2020 Minutes
13 February 2020
I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 7:02 a.m. in the Creston School Library. The following members were present: Arnold Bjork, Shawn McDonough, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen and Barry Farrell. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal, Deb Christiansen – Title teacher, Jen Johnson – 2nd grade teacher, Jack Eggensperger – County Superintendent and Gloria Graves – Creston Fire.
II. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Declare a Vacant Trustee Position. Joanna Massie has resigned her trustee position. Her term expires May 2022. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen motioned and Shawn McDonough seconded declaration of a vacant trustee position and approval to fill the vacancy by appointment. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Appoint a New Trustee. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen motioned and Shawn McDonough seconded approval to appoint Barry Farrell to the vacant trustee position. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Swear in New Trustee. Jack Eggensperger swore in Barry Farrell as a trustee.
III. Minutes of 9 January 2020. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen motioned and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
IV. Public Participation / Correspondence.
A. Gloria Graves, representing Creston Fire presented information regarding the upcoming Creston Auction and Country Fair.
B. A letter from Tom and Cindy Countryman and Larry and Pat Duncan regarding R4Brothers, LLC Property on Hwy 35 (Robinson’s Brothers fourteen 4-plexes) was shared.
V. Information Item:
A. Candidates for Trustee Election may file a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy between Thursday, December 12, 2019 and Thursday, March 26, 2020. Trustee Positions Subject to Election in May 2020: Arnold Bjork – 3-year term, Massie/Farrell – 2-year term remaining, Shawn McDonough – 3-year term.
B. Video Surveillance Equipment/Door Access Control. Bids from Anytime Lock & Safe for video surveillance equipment and door access control were presented. Board policy will need to be in place prior to moving forward with consideration/installation of this type of equipment.
C. Additional Classroom Committee Findings. Tami Ward summarized the meeting held by the committee on January 30, 2020. The consensus of the committee was that enrollment numbers and class sizes support no immediate need to add space for 2020/2021. If the need arises in the future using a portable classroom was considered as the best option. For the foreseeable future grades with smaller class sizes will probably need to move to the smaller classrooms. The committee will meet occasionally to review enrollment numbers, class sizes and any notices of subdivisions that would affect our future enrollment. Next meeting will be in the Fall of 2020.
VI. Reports:
A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure and Fund 115 Projects report includes payroll and claims through 12 February 2020. The General Fund is at 48% committed and the Grand Total of all funds is at 41% committed. Reconciliation to the County Treasurer has been completed for December 2019. Spring Student Enrollment Count Report was submitted – reported enrollment for ANB was 116. The Clerk Evaluation Tool was provided in advance for the March Board Meeting.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is 115. Building Maintenance – the gutter heaters are working well and helping to prevent slippery sidewalks. School Facility Conditions Inventory Report was provided. Teachers are completing the final two chapters of Super Spellers. Mrs. Mumm attended the Music Teachers Curriculum meeting – the committee is looking to align and adjust the local music standards. The Mid-year math and reading benchmark showed growth in both areas across the grade levels (data was provided). The safety committee is in agreement and recommends an entry camera/card system and exterior and interior cameras. Education Cooperative – Gates testing for 8th graders have been completed and the Director is available to attend member district Board meetings. Special Education Cooperative – Remodeling is continuing on schedule. Crossroads – The program is starting to make plans for grade configuration for 2020/2021 school year; Students in this program continue to make progress in math and reading based on most recent assessment.
C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google Slides presentation which highlighted student work and projects.
VII. Policies:
A. 6000 Series – 2nd reading. (A list is attached.) Trustees reviewed policies in this series, taking into consideration MTSBA recommendations of which current policies to keep, modify or replace with MTSBA model policies as well as policies to add or repeal. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen motioned and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the 6000 series as presented to replace our existing policies in this series. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 9000 Series – Repeal. (A list is attached.) Trustees took into consideration MTSBA recommendation to repeal this policy series as the needed policies have been reworked into other policies and policy series. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen motioned and Shawn McDonough seconded approval to repeal all 9000 series as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Budget Amendment Resolution Due to An Unanticipated Enrollment Increase. The Resolution was presented in the amount of $9,049.25 with the source of financing to be Direct State Aid. The required notices have been posted and approvals received. Arnold Bjork motioned, and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the budget amendment resolution as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Adopt Materials for Reading, Phonics & Social Studies. A list of materials that assist teachers in meeting the literacy and Social Studies needs of all students was presented. Shawn McDonough moved and Arnold Bjork seconded approval to adopt the materials for reading, phonics and social studies as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Trustee Resolution Calling for an Election. The Resolution in its entirety was presented to the Board. Summary of the Resolution: A regular school election for the purpose to elect three trustees – two, three-year terms and one, two-year term will be conducted by Poll Election on Tuesday, the 5th day of May 2020. Approval of additional levies to operate and maintain Creston School for FY 20201 will also be requested. If it is later determined that any portion of the election is not required, the election administrator is authorized to cancel that portion of the election. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the Resolution as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Calendar 2020-2021. A calendar which has been reviewed by the teachers was presented. The calendar is similar to that of Kalispell Public Schools. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the 2020-2021 calendar as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
E. Teacher Negotiations/CBA. Jen Johnson, CEA President, presented two changes to the CBA regarding sick leave: 1) change roll over of sick leave from 70 to 80 days (section 10.2.1) and 2) increase sick leave from 10 to 12 days (section 10.2.1); also to revisit monetary related negotiations after receiving and reviewing the preliminary budget. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the sick leave changes to the CBA as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
F. Hiring for Long-Term Substitute for 6th Grade – Spring 2020. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval to begin the hiring process for a long-term substitute teacher for the 6th grade as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
G. Modified Contract for A. Hess for Remainder of 2019-20 School Year. Not needed – no action taken.
H. Hiring for a 1.0 Teacher for 2020/2021 (a one-year contract for Hess-Headlee leave). A. Hess-Headlee will be on maternity leave the 2020/2021 school year – leave approved at the January 2020 Board Meeting. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval to begin the hiring process for a one-year, 1.0 FTE teacher for the 2020-2021 school year as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
I. Sale or Trade-In of Bus. At the 14 November 2019 Board Meeting the trustees approved the selling of our current bus. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the Equipment Disposition Resolution for the 2011 International School Bus as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
J. Revised Bus Route Addition – Creston/Intermountain. At the 14 November 2019 Board Meeting the trustees approved an additional bus route from Creston School to the Intermountain Day program. A correction to the description was presented to clarify the route is needed to and from Intermountain for a maximum daily total of 51.2 miles. Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the revised additional route to and from the Intermountain Day program as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
K. Cross Country Coaching Contract. An employment contract for Emily Russell as the coach for the K-6th grade Cross Country season April – May 2020. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved, and Arnold Bjork seconded approval of the coaching contract as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
L. Substitute Teachers List – nil.
M. Transportation Contract(s). Shawn McDonough moved, and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the transportation contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
N. Before School Care Contract(s) – nil.
O. Out of District Request(s) – nil.
P. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s) – nil.
IX. Claims – February 2020. Board approved all claims as presented.
X. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 12 March 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 9 April 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
XI. Executive Session for Principal Evaluation. Board Chair Matt Hartle closed the meeting in order to protect the individual rights of Tami Ward, Principal. Upon re-opening the meeting, Shawn McDonough moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of Tami Ward’s mid-year evaluation and of the executive session minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
XII. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk
Matt Hartle, Board Chair
R = required
6000 Goals
R 6110 Administrator Duties and Authority
R 6110P Administrator Board Job Responsibilities
6122 Delegation of Authority
R 6410 Evaluation of Administrative Staff
6420 Professional Growth and Development
Repeal all 9000 series policies – those needed have been reworked into other policies/policy series:
9001 Bus rental
9002 School home communications
9003 Playground inspection
9004 Commemorative Days
9005 Extracurricular – sport activity contract
9006 Students – health and safety – incident report
9007 Multi-disciplinary teams
9009 Technology mission statement
9010 Traverse wall
9 January 2020 Minutes
9 January 2020
I. Call to order. Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:04 a.m. in the Creston School Library. The following members were present: Joanna Massie, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen; absent: Arnold Bjork, Shawn McDonough. Also, in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal, Emily Russell – 5th grade teacher and Barry Farrell – public.
II. Minutes of 12 December 2019. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information Item:
A. Candidates for Trustee Election may file a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy between Thursday, December 12, 2019 and Thursday, March 26, 2020.
B. Video Surveillance Equipment/Door Access Control. Tami Ward reported answers to questions trustees had from last month. The quote from last month is for video only equipment – as per MT law. The data is stored on equipment (NVR) located at the school and only school officials would have access to it. The amount of storage depends on the number of cameras, the data storage size of the equipment (NVR) and how much is being recorded; the setup is a last-in-first-out system; an estimate based on the quote for 4 – 6 cameras would be four weeks.
C. Trustee Resignation – J. Massie. Effective after today’s meeting Joanna Massie has resigned her trustee position. The vacancy will be an action item at the next board meeting.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure includes payroll and claims through 9 January 2020. The General Fund is at 41% committed and the Grand Total of all funds is at 34% committed. Reconciliation to County Treasurer has been completed for November 2019. Fund 115 Projects report was also presented.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is at 117. Yard lights have been updated with new LED bulbs and fixtures. Mr. Hagen assembled our new bleachers and attached the mats to the walls in the gym. Monthly facilities and playground inspections did not find any recommended repairs or hazards. The Flathead Electric Roundup for Safety grant completion for the bleachers and mat was submitted for payment. Teachers and staff met recently to look at our current programs, practices and procedures to evaluate the effectiveness and make improvements where needed. Teachers are each spending observation time in other classrooms, at the school, to improve their own practices. Mid-year math and reading benchmark assessments are currently in progress. January School Facilities Inventory/Inspection Form was presented with no new bids. A committee of is being formed to address the possible need for building an additional classroom on the current school property; Matt Hartle and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen agreed to represent the Board on this committee.
C. Staff. Emily Russell shared the staff report via a Google Slides presentation which highlighted student work and projects.
VI. Policies:
A. 1000FE, 7000, 8000 Series (see attached list) – 2nd reading. Reviewed policies in these series, taking into consideration MTSBA recommendations of which current policies to keep, modify or replace with MTSBA model policies as well as policies to add or repeal. Joanna Massie moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the 1000FE, 7000, 8000 series as presented with noted changes to #8500, to add, modify, repeal and replace our existing policies in those series. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 6000 Series – 1st reading. Presented the policies in this series. No motion needed.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Budget Amendment Proclamation Due to An Unanticipated Enrollment Increase. The Proclamation was presented in the amount of $9,049.25 with the source of financing to be Direct State Aid. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the Budget Amendment Proclamation as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Petition to State Superintendent for Permission to Adopt a Resolution for a Budget Amendment. The Petition was presented in the amount of $9,049.25 with the source of financing to be Direct State Aid. Joanna Massie moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the Petition as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Maternity Leave Request – A. Hess-Headlee. A written request for maternity leave beginning on or about April 17, 2020 through June of 2021 was received. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the maternity leave request by A. Hess-Headlee as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Substitute Teachers List – nil.
E. Transportation Contract(s) – nil.
F. Before School Care Contract(s) – nil.
G. Out of District Request(s) – nil.
H. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s). One request for gym use by the Many Lakes HOA on February 15, 2020 for the Homeowners Annual Meeting. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the gym use request as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Claims – January 2020. Board approved all claims as presented.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 13 February 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 12 March 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:41 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk Matt Hartle, Board Chair
R = required
1006FE Transfers for School Safety
1007FE Multidistrict Agreements
1007FE –F1 Model Multidistrict Agreement Form
1009FE Flexible Instructor Licensing
1011FE Cooperative Purchasing
1012FE Non-voted Levy for Excess IDEA Costs
1014FE Intent to Increase Non-Voted Levy
1014FE-F1 Notice of Intent to Impose an Increase in Levies Form
R = required 7000 SERIES
7000 Goals
7008 Nonresident Student Attendance Agreement (Tuition/Transportation Costs)
7110 Budget and Program Planning
7121 Budget Adjustments
7210 Revenues
7225 Crowdfunding
7251 Disposal and Sale of School District Property
7260 Endowments, Gifts, and Investments
7310 Budget Implementation and Execution
7320 Purchasing
7325 Accounting System Design
7326 Documentation and Approval of Claims
7329 Petty Cash Funds
R 7330 Payroll Procedures/Schedules
7332 Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancement
7335 Personal Reimbursements
7336 Travel Allowances and Expenses
7400 Credit Card Use
7405 Procurement Cards
7425 Extra- and Co-Curricular Funds
7430 Financial Reporting and Audits
7500 Property Records
7510 Capitalization Policy for Fixed Assets
R 7515 GASB 54
7525 Lease – Purchase Agreement
7530 Procurement of Supplies or Services
7535 Electronic Signatures
7550 Indirect Cost Reimbursement
R = required 8000 SERIES
8000 Goals
8100 Transportation
8110 Bus Routes and Schedules
8111 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
8123 Driver Training and Responsibility
8124 Student Conduct on Buses
8125 School Bus Emergencies
8130 Air Quality Restrictions on Outdoor Activities, Practice and Competition
8132 Activity Trips
R 8200 Milk Services
R 8225 Tobacco Free Policy
8300 Risk Management
R 8301 District Safety
8320 Property Damage
8410 Operation and Maintenance of District Facilities
8420 District-Wide Asbestos Program
8421 Lead Renovation
R 8425 Service Animals
8425P Service Animals Procedures
R 8430 Records Management
8440 Computer Software
8450 Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)
8450F1 AED Incident Report Form
8450F2 AED Notification Letter
8450F3 AED Service Log
8500 Cyber Incident (1/9/2020 note: CSIRT = individuals listed in School Chain of Command in Emergency Procedures)
R = required
6000 Goals
R 6110 Administrator Duties and Authority
R 6110P Administrator Board Job Responsibilities
6122 Delegation of Authority
R 6410 Evaluation of Administrative Staff
6420 Professional Growth and Development
12 December 2019 Minutes
12 December 2019
I. Call to order. Jessica Sandven-Sorensen called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:02 a.m. in the Creston School Library. The following members were present: Arnold Bjork, Joanna Massie, and Shawn McDonough. Also in attendance: Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Tami Ward – Principal, and Jen Johnson – 2nd grade teacher.
II. Minutes of 14 November 2019. Joanna Massie moved and Shawn McDonough seconded approval of the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Public Participation / Correspondence – nil.
IV. Information Item:
A. Technology Seminar Summary Report – Joanna Massie. Joanna Massie gave a summary report of a seminar she attended given by Collin Kartchner regarding youth and the negative effects of unattended technology use and social media.
B. Candidates for Trustee Election may file a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy between Thursday, December 12, 2019 and Thursday, March 26, 2020.
C. Flathead County Superintendent of Schools Statistical Report of Schools 2019. A copy of the annual report was distributed to each board member.
D. Video Surveillance Equipment. Preliminary estimates on installing video surveillance equipment were presented. A brief discussion regarding the pros and cons of this type of equipment was held with a few follow up questions that Mrs. Ward will look into. Prior to moving forward with this type of equipment board policy would need to be in place.
V. Reports:
A. Clerk. Statement of Expenditure includes payroll and claims through 12 December 2019. The General Fund is at 33% committed and the Grand Total of all funds is at 29% committed. Reconciliation to County Treasurer has been completed for October 2019. Fund 115 Projects report was also presented.
B. Principal. Student Enrollment is at 117. Yard light update project will hopefully be completed by end of January as well as assembling the new 2-tier aluminum bleachers; no current recommended repairs or hazards for the facilities and playground inspections. Teresa Mumm, P.E. teacher, was awarded a grant through First Tee which provides golf equipment and lesson plans for teaching students the game of golf. Mid-year math (easyCBM) and reading (Fountas & Pinnell) benchmark assessments will begin in January.
C. Staff. Jen Johnson shared the staff report via a Google Slides presentation which highlighted student work and projects.
VI. Policies:
A. 3000 & 4000 Series (see attached list) – 2nd reading. Reviewed policies in the 3000 & 4000 series, taking into consideration MTSBA recommendations of which current policies to keep, modify or replace with MTSBA model policies as well as policies to add or repeal. Joanna Massie moved and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen seconded approval of the 3000 & 4000 series as presented, with noted changes to 4210, 4330, 4330F to replace our existing 3000 & 4000 policy series. Motion passed unanimously.
B. 1000FE, 7000, 8000 Series (see attached list) – 1st reading. Presented the policies in this series. No motion needed.
VII. Consideration of Action Items:
A. Northern Energy Propane/AmeriGas Propane, L.P., Three-year Propane Services Agreement with Price of Propane (Attachment A). An agreement to lock-in a three-year price and dispenser service/use contract for propane for our new bus. Joanna Massie moved and Arnold Bjork seconded approval of the agreement with Northern Energy Propane/AmeriGas Propane, L.P. as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
B. MTSBA Ballot – Voting on Pending Association Matters. The Montana School Board Association sent a ballot with seven (7) items up for a vote. Joanna Massie moved and Shawn McDonough seconded voting in support for each of the seven items. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Contract for Bus Purchase. The purchase of a propane bus was approved at the November 2019 Board Meeting. The Purchase Order Agreement from Hartley’s School Buses was presented. The final quote is for a purchase price of $126,650, which includes the cameras discussed at the November meeting. Shawn McDonough moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the Hartley’s School Buses Purchase Order Agreement for 1 Blue Bird Body Company propane bus as per quote #184187 dated 12/11/2019. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Substitute Teachers List – nil.
E. Transportation Contract(s) – nil.
F. Before School Care Contract(s) – nil.
G. Out of District Request(s) – nil.
H. Gym & School Grounds Use Request(s) – nil.
VIII. Claims November December 2019. Board approved all claims as presented.
IX. Next Meeting Dates:
A. 9 January 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
B. 13 February 2020, 7:00 am Regular Meeting
X. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:16 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Bartos, District Clerk Matt Hartle, Board Chair
R = required
3100 – 3100P Student Enrollment, Exceptional Circumstances Meriting Waiver of Age Requirements for Pupils
3110 Entrance, Placement, and Transfer
3110F Educational Authorization Affidavit
R 3120 Compulsory Attendance
3121 Enrollment and Attendance Records
3121P Enrollment and Attendance Records Procedure
3122 Attendance Policy
R 3123 Attendance Policy Procedure-Truancy
3124 Military Compact Waiver
R 3125 Education of Homeless Children
3125F McKinney-Vento Homeless Educational Assistance Dispute Resolution Form
3140 Class Size Policy
3141 Discretionary Nonresident Student Attendance Policy
3150 Part-Time Attendance
3200 Student Rights and Responsibilities
R 3210 Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity
3221 Student Publications
3222 Distribution and Posting of Materials
3224 Student Dress
R 3225 Sexual Harassment/Intimidation of Students
3225F Harassment Reporting Form for Students
R 3226 Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation/Hazing
3231 – 3231P Searches and Seizure
3233 Student Use of Buildings: Equal Access
R 3300 Suspension and Expulsion – Corrective Actions and Punishment
R 3310 Student Discipline
3310F Discipline Citation
3310P Discipline of Students with Disabilities
R 3311 Firearms and Weapons
3410 Student health/Physical Screenings/Examinations
3413 Student Immunization
3413F1 Medical Exemption Form for Immunization
3413F2 Religious Exemption form for Immunization
R 3415 Management of Sports Related Concussions
R 3415P Management of Sports Related Concussions Procedure
R 3415F Student Athlete and Parent/Legal Custodian Concussion Statement
R 3416 Administering Medicines to Students
R 3416F Montana Authorization to Possess or Self-Administer Asthma, Severe Allergy, or Anaphylaxis Medication
3416F1 Designation and Acceptance to Administer Glucagon
3417 Communicable Diseases
3420 Head Lice
3431 Emergency Treatment
3431F Accident Report Form
3440 Removal of Student During School Day
3440P Removal of Student During School Day Procedures
3510 School-Sponsored Student Activities
3510P Extracurricular Procedure
R 3520 Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
3530 Student Fund-Raising Activities
3600 Student Records
3600P Student Records Procedures
R 3600F1 Student Records Notification Form
3600F2 Student Directory Information Notification Form
R 3606 Transfer of Student Records
R 3608 Receipt of Confidential Records
R 3612 – 3612P District-Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks
R 3612F Internet Access Conduct Agreement Form
3630 Cell Phones and Other Electronic Equipment
© MTSBA 2011
Policies to repeal: Policies related to 3000 series to repeal:
3350 9007
3416A 9010
Revised list 11/13/19 tb
R = required
4000 Goals
R 4120 Public Relations
4210 School-Support Organizations
4301 Visitors to Schools
R 4310 Public Complaints and Suggestions
4315 Spectator Conduct and Sportsmanship for Athletic and Co-Curricular Events
R 4316 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
4320 Contact With Students
4321 Distribution of Fund Drive Literature Through Students
R 4330 Community Use of School Facilities
4330F School Facilities and Grounds Use and Liability Release Agreement
4331 Use of School Property for Posting Notices
4332 Conduct on School Property
4340 Public Access to District Records
4350 Website Accessibility and Nondiscrimination
4520 Cooperative Programs with Other Districts and Public Agencies
4550 Registered Sex Offenders
4301 (merged into 4315)
4330A (merged into 4330F)
4332 (merged into 4315)
Revised list 11/13/19 tb
1000FE Overview of Flexibility and Efficiency Policies
1001FE Scanning of the Horizon
1002FE The District’s SMaC Recipe
1002FE-F SMaC Analysis
1003FE The District’s Technology Program
1004FE Scaled Innovations
1004FE-F Scaled Innovations Analysis
1005FE Proficiency-Based ANB
1006FE Transfers for School Safety
1007FE Multidistrict Agreements
1007FE –F1 Model Multidistrict Agreement Form
1008FE Increase in Over Base Levy Authority Without a Vote
1009FE Flexible Instructor Licensing
1010FE Early Enrollment Exceptional Circumstances
1011FE Cooperative Purchasing
1012FE Non-voted Levy for Excess IDEA Costs
1013FE Adult Education
1014FE Intent to Increase Non-Voted Levy
1014FE-F1 Notice of Intent to Impose an Increase in Levies Form
R = required 7000 SERIES
7000 Goals
7008 Nonresident Student Attendance Agreement (Tuition/Transportation Costs)
7110 Budget and Program Planning
7121 Budget Adjustments
7210 Revenues
7225 Crowdfunding
7251 Disposal and Sale of School District Property
7260 Endowments, Gifts, and Investments
7310 Budget Implementation and Execution
7320 Purchasing
7325 Accounting System Design
7326 Documentation and Approval of Claims
7329 Petty Cash Funds
R 7330 Payroll Procedures/Schedules
7330F Payroll Procedures Schedule Form
7332 Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancement
7335 Personal Reimbursements
7336 Travel Allowances and Expenses
7400 Credit Card Use
7405 Procurement Cards
7425 Extra- and Co-Curricular Funds
7430 Financial Reporting and Audits
7500 Property Records
7510 Capitalization Policy for Fixed Assets
R 7515 GASB 54
7525 Lease – Purchase Agreement
7530 Procurement of Supplies or Services
7535 Electronic Signatures
7550 Indirect Cost Reimbursement
XI. R = required 8000 SERIES
8000 Goals
8100 Transportation
8110 Bus Routes and Schedules
8111 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
8123 Driver Training and Responsibility
8124 Student Conduct on Buses
8125 School Bus Emergencies
8130 Air Quality Restrictions on Outdoor Activities, Practice and Competition
8132 Activity Trips
R 8200 Milk Services
R 8225 Tobacco Free Policy
8300 Risk Management
R 8301 District Safety
8320 Property Damage
8410 Operation and Maintenance of District Facilities
8420 District-Wide Asbestos Program
8421 Lead Renovation
R 8425 Service Animals
8425P Service Animals Procedures
R 8430 Records Management
8440 Computer Software
8450 Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)
8450F1 AED Incident Report Form
8450F2 AED Notification Letter
8450F3 AED Service Log
8500 Cyber Incident