Board Minutes
13 March 2018 Minutes
13 March 2018
Chairman Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Joanna Massie and Austin Hughes, Julie Tikka out with medical concerns, Nancy Keeton has moved out of the district. Also in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Teachers: Deb Christensen – Title/PE, Pauline Davidson – 3rd, Ariann Hess – 6th, Jennifer Johnson, – 2nd, Melissa Potts – 1st. Also, Jessica Sandven-Sorensen, Prospective Trustee.
Public Participation/Correspondence:nil.
Consideration of Action Items:
- Joanna Massie moved and Austin Hughes seconded approval a Revised Resolution SB307 – Estimating changes in revenues/mills for 2018-2019. The revision was due to a correction to the general fund calculation of GTB. Motion passed unanimously.
- Preliminary FY19 Budget Scenarios were discussed. No motion needed.
- Austin Hughes moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval of the Creston Education Association Negotiations as presented.Motion passed unanimously.
- Joanna Massie moved and Austin Hughes seconded to accept the recommendation to keep 6thgrade students in our school for FY19.Motion passed unanimously.
Next Meeting(s) Date:
- 12 April 2018 at 7:30 am.
Meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Bartos Matt Hartle
District Clerk Chairman
5 March 2018 Minutes
5 March 2018
Chairman Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Nancy Keeton and Joanna Massie, Austin Hughes (arrived at 7:40), Julie Tikka was out with medical concerns. Also in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Teachers: Deb Christensen – Title/PE, Ariann Hess – 6th, Jennifer Johnson, – 2nd, Shanta Milne – K, Melissa Potts – 1st. Prospective Trustees in attendance were Shawn McDonough and Jessica Sandven-Sorensen.
Minutes: Joanna Massie moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to approve the minutes of the 6 February 2018 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Participation/Correspondence:nil.
Information Items: – nil.
Clerk – Tammy Bartos presented report. Statement of Expenditure for March was presented – General Fund is 53% committed to date. Fund 115 Projects Report through 6thof February was presented. Funds are balanced to the County Treasurer for January. OPI Preliminary Budget Data Sheet for FY 2018-2019 was presented. An insurance adjuster will be out to inspect our water loss claim. School District #5 has been contacted regarding renewing our Interlocal Agreement for instructional services of Creston students grade 7 and 8 at KMS.
Principal – Tami Ward presented report. Student Enrollment is currently 101. 2018/2019 Planning: Due to growing class sizes, we will be too big to combine grades; we will need to accommodate another class in our building and hire an additional teacher; also, posting a job for a .5 music and art teacher. MontanaSky has given us a bid for infrastructure improvements – the bid has been forwarded to our Broadband consultant and will be used to get funding for these improvements. Grants: a safety grant for access keypad locks for 2ndand 3rdgrade has been submitted to Roundup for Safety; also, we are the recipients of the $1,000 Rural Excellence District Scholarship to use toward the purchase of a Gaga Pit. Professional Development: Kelly Boswell is working with teachers on Writer’s Workshop March 5th& 6thand Eliza Sorte-Thomas will be here in April to support math instruction. Special Education Cooperative: Interviews were conducted for a new Director and we will soon have a recommendation for hire. Safety Committee: The Run, Lock, Fight training was held February 10th, we are implementing recommendations from the trainers.
Staff – Jennifer Johnson presented a summary report of what is happening in each classroom.
Information Items:
- Principal Evaluation Document, Method & Tool:The evaluation document was provided to each board member. Each board member will individually complete the evaluation, turn it in to Matt Hartle, Board Chair, and he will compile the results into one document to be used at the Principal Evaluation portion of the April Board Meeting.
Policies: nil.
5th& 6thGrade Presentation – At 8:00 a.m. several 5thand 6thgraders shared Roman Life Poems and Persuasive Writing pieces.
Consideration of Action Items:
- Joanna Massie moved and Nancy Keeton seconded approval a Revised Trustee Resolution Calling for an Election by Poll. The revision was due to an additional trustee position open for election. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded the acceptance of the 2018-2019 School Year Calendar. The calendar included a school day change of a start time at 8:25. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Austin Hughes seconded approval of a resolution to dispose of abandoned, obsolete and undesirable property as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- Joanna Massie moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to accept the Door Lock Bid for the 2nd& 3rdgrade rooms as presented.Motion passed unanimously.
- Austin Hughes moved and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the request by A. Hess for an additional personal day to carry forward into next fiscal year. Motion passed unanimously.
- Teacher Negotiations/CBA. Jennifer Johnson presented the Creston Education Association 2018-2019 Negotiations. There was discussion and it was decided to table this until more information can be provided regarding the preliminary budget. No motion required.
- Austin Hughes moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval to post a position for an additional full-time teacher position for 2018-2019. Motion passed unanimously.
- Austin Hughes moved and Joanna Massie seconded approval to post a position for a Music (.2) / Art (.3) position for 2018-2019.Motion passed unanimously.
- Joanna Massie moved and Austin Hughes seconded to accept the SB307 Resolution estimating changes in revenues/mills for all funds as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- Joanna Massie moved and Austin Hughes seconded to accept the transportation contract as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Payroll/Substitutes/Claims: The Board approved all claims for March 2018.
Next Meeting(s) Date:
- 13 March 2018 at 5:00 pm. – Special Meeting: budgeting and negotiations.
- 10 April 2018 at 7:30 am.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Bartos Matt Hartle
District Clerk Chairman
February 2018 Minutes
6 February 2018
Chairman Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:33 a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Nancy Keeton and Joanna Massie. Austin Hughes excused due to work and Julie Tikka was out sick. Also in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Jennifer Johnson – 2nd grade Teacher, and Gloria Graves – Creston Fire Fighters Association.
Minutes: Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the minutes of the 6 January 2018 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Participation/Correspondence: nil.
Information Items:
- Creston Auction – Gloria Graves presented information regarding the upcoming Auction in April and discussed use of our school facilities.
Clerk – Tammy Bartos presented report. Statement of Expenditure for February was presented – General Fund is 45% committed to date. Fund 115 Projects Report through 6th of February was presented. Funds are balanced to the County Treasurer for December. Principal Evaluation Forms will be distributed and compiled in time for the March Board Meeting.
Principal – Tami Ward presented report. Student Enrollment is currently 97. Montana Sky has been out to assess our infrastructure and will forward information to our Broadband consultant. Miss Montana gave a student assembly on February 1st. We are offering scholarships to graduating seniors again this year and will need to form a selection committee. Update on Building Maintenance – exit signs, “not and exit” signs to be installed and sand is available to spread on the parking lot & playground. Teacher Professional Development – Mrs. Siler will attend a Special Educators conference this month and Kelly Boswell is here two days this month to work with teachers on Writer’s Workshop and reading comprehension strategies. Education Cooperative – moving their office to the Gateway West Mall Special Education Cooperative – our school will host a Child Find sometime in March or April and the Management Board approved the recommendation to build a new preschool facility. Crossroads is fully staffed and able to take a few more students depending on need. Safety Committee – the Run! Lock! Fight! Training is scheduled for February 10th.
Staff – Jennifer Johnson presented a summary report of what is happening in each classroom. Also, the Creston Teacher Association is planning to negotiate for the 2018-19 and the 2019-20 school years at the March Board Meeting.
Information Items:
- Exploring Days vs. Minutes for the School Calendar. Tammy Bartos presented. We currently use 180-day count to comply with state requirements. Another way to calculate instruction time is by minutes. By adding a few minutes to each day we could add one flex day built into our calendar. A presentation will be given to the teachers later this month to get their input also.
- 3121 STUDENTS – Enrollment and Attendance Records (New Policy). 2nd Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded to accept the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5120 PERSONNEL – Hiring Process and Criteria (New Policy). 2nd Joanna Massie moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to accept the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5220 PERSONNEL – Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse (New Policy). 2nd Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded to accept the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5420 PERSONNEL – Paraprofessionals (New Policy). 2nd Joanna Massie moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to accept the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5420F PERSONNEL – ESSA Qualification Notifications (New Policy). 2nd Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded to accept the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 8100 NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS – Transportation (New Policy). 2nd Joanna Massie moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to accept the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
4th Grade Presentation – postponed.
Consideration of Action Items:
- Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded a Trustee Resolution Calling for an Election by Poll. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded a Resolution to dispose of abandoned, obsolete and undesirable property as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- Joanna Massie moved and Nancy Keeton seconded approval to move forward on setting up a before school care program for the 2018-2019 school year. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded to accept the transportation contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded to accept the gym use request by the Many Lakes HOA on 17 February 2018. Motion passed unanimously.
Payroll/Substitutes/Claims: The Board approved all claims for February 2018.
Next Meeting(s) Date:
- 6 March 2018 at 7:30 am.
Meeting adjourned at 8:37 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Bartos Matt Hartle
District Clerk Chairman
January 2018 Minutes
9 January 2018
Chairman Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:33 a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Austin Hughes (arrived at 7:35), Nancy Keeton, and Joanna Massie. Julie Tikka was out sick. Also in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk, Jeff Hagen – Bus Driver/Maintenance.
Minutes: Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the minutes of the 5 December 2017 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Participation/Correspondence: nil.
Clerk – Tammy Bartos presented report. Statement of Expenditure for January was presented – General Fund is 38% committed to date. Fund 115 Projects Report through 8th of January was presented. Funds are balanced to the County Treasurer for November.
Principal – Tami Ward presented report. Student Enrollment is currently 97. We are waiting on Montana Sky for infrastructure recommendations and radio tower proposal. Reviewed the Flathead County Statistical Report on Schools. The main building has been rekeyed and keyless entry locks should be installed for 2nd and 3rd grade yet this month. Special Ed Coop – the preschool committee is recommending building a Special Education Preschool that would be ready for the 2018/19 school year.
Staff – nil.
Information Items:
- May 8 Trustee Election – Candidates for trustee election on May 8, 2018 may file a Declaration of Intent and Oath of Candidacy between December 14, 2017 and March 29, 2018. There are two position subject to election this May: a three year term (currently held by Austin Hughes) and a one year term (currently held by Joanna Massie).
- Water Loss Claim – An insurance claim was opened the week of 12/31/17 when water dripping from the ceiling in the library and the principal’s office was discovered. There have been other areas of the building since then that have had damage. This will be an ongoing claim through the winter.
- Before School Care Survey – Tami Ward took a survey of current families and then researched what other schools in our area are doing. We had 10 families (16 students) interested in a before school child care program. We would need a minimum of nine families to use the program at a $30/month flat fee to make this a feasible program. This is a program we would possibly offer next year, for the full year, on a trial basis.
- 3121 STUDENTS – Enrollment and Attendance Records (New Policy). 1st
- 5120 PERSONNEL – Hiring Process and Criteria (New Policy). 1st
- 5220 PERSONNEL – Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse (New Policy). 1st
- 5420 PERSONNEL – Paraprofessionals (New Policy). 1st
- 5420F PERSONNEL – ESSA Qualification Notifications (New Policy). 1st
- 8100 NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS – Transportation (New Policy). 1st
Kindergarten Presentation – Mrs. Milne explained that she has done a science unit with her students about animals, their classification and their habitats. Seven students presented their individual projects to the board members.
Consideration of Action Items:
- Austin Hughes moved and Joanna Massie seconded to offer the teachers and salaried staff the choice of a one-time stipend of $120.00 or an additional personal day; hourly employees will be paid a one-time stipend of $120.00 to attend the “Run, Lock, Fight!” Intruder Training on Saturday, February 10, 2018. Motion passed unanimously.
- Transportation Contracts – nil.
- Out of District requests – nil.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Austin Hughes seconded to approve the gym use request by Tom Martinez. Motion passed unanimously.
Payroll/Substitutes/Claims: The Board approved all claims for January 2018.
Next Meeting(s) Date:
- 6 February 2018 at 7:30 am.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Bartos Matt Hartle
District Clerk Chairman
December 2017 Minutes
Chairman Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:33a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Austin Hughes, Nancy Keeton, Joanna Massie and Julie Tikka. Also in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk.
Minutes: Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to approve the minutes of the 7 November 2017 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Participation/Correspondence: nil.
Clerk – Tammy Bartos presented report. Statement of Expenditure for December was presented – General Fund is 31% committed to date. Fund 115 Projects Report through 5 December was presented. Funds are balanced to the County Treasurer for October.
Principal – Tami Ward presented report. Student Enrollment is currently 96. We are continuing with our application for broadband, while also working with MontanaSky on a possible radio tower. Recently applied for two grants for a GaGa pit. In January, four staff members will receive inquiry based learning and teaching training through Heinemann Publishing. The building will be rekeyed this month and keyless entry locks will be installed for 2nd and 3rd grade. After doing a building inspection with the Creston Fire Marshall we will be installing signage to be compliant with fire safety laws and regulations.
Staff – Tami Ward reported that the staff is preparing for parent-teacher conferences and will be working on a collaboration day for December 21st.
Information Items: nil
- 3210 STUDENTS – Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity (policy revision). Julie Tikka moved and Joanna Massie seconded to accept the revision of the policy without the optional language added. Motion passed unanimously.
- 4300F COMMUNITY RELATIONS – School Facilities/Grounds Use & Liability Release (policy revision). Julie Tikka moved and Joanna Massie seconded to accept the revision without the additional insurance paragraph. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5010 PERSONNEL – Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination (policy revision). Nancy Keeton moved and Austin Hughes seconded to accept the revisions as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 2150 INSTRUCTION – Suicide Awareness and Prevention (New Policy). Austin Hughes moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to approve the policy as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 3121 STUDENTS – Enrollment and Attendance Records (New Policy). Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5120 PERSONNEL – Hiring Process and Criteria (New Policy). Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5220 PERSONNEL – Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse (New Policy). Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5420 PERSONNEL – Paraprofessionals (New Policy). Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5420F PERSONNEL – ESSA Qualification Notifications (New Policy). Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 8100 NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS – Transportation (New Policy). Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of Action Items:
- Austin Hughes moved and Julie Tikka seconded to accept the addition to the Substitute Teacher List as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to approve the hiring of Ivy Horodyski as a teacher’s aide, pending the successful completion of all employment documents. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to approve MontanaSky to draw up a proposal to install a radio tower on our Creston Road Property. Motion passed unanimously.
- Julie Tikka moved and Austin Hughes seconded to approve the transportation contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to acknowledge receipt of the attendance agreements for students living in the Creston School District and attending elsewhere. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Joanna Massie seconded to approve the attendance agreement of a student choosing Creston School District as district of placement. Motion passed unanimously.
- Gym & School Grounds Use Requests – nil.
Payroll/Substitutes/Claims: The Board approved all claims for December 2017.
Next Meeting(s) Date:
- 9 January 2018 at 7:30 am.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Bartos Matt Hartle
District Clerk Chairman
November 2017 Board Minutes
Chairman Matt Hartle called the Board of Trustees Meeting to order at 7:35a.m. in the Creston School Library with the following members present: Nancy Keeton, JoAnna Massie and Julie Tikka. Also in attendance were: Tami Ward – Principal, Tammy Bartos – District Clerk. (Austin Hughes was absent due to work obligation.)
Minutes: Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to approve the minutes of the 3 October 2017 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Participation/Correspondence: nil.
Clerk – Tammy Bartos presented report. Statement of Expenditure for November was presented – General Fund is 25% committed to date. Funds are balanced to the County Treasurer for July, August & September. MTSBA is hosting the 9th Annual School Law & Technology Symposium December 4th & 5th in Helena. Montana Schools Unemployment Insurance Program (MSUIP) 2017 Annual Report is available to read in the office.
Principal – Tami Ward presented report. Student Enrollment is currently 93. The Title Audit is complete on her end and ready to be sent out. Waiting on a quote from Montana Digital regarding updating our current wireless internet connection. We recently updated our website to be ADA compliant. NW Educational Cooperative: working on Science and English Language Arts standards. Crossroads: The program is full, yet can take a few more students depending on the age. Special Education Cooperative: will be exploring the idea of building a Preschool for the Cooperative, also the director has announced her resignation as of January 1st, 2018. Safety Committee has been meeting regularly. Griz/Cat Food Drive for Flathead Food Bank is November 1 – 17. Mindset skill this month is FLEXIBILITY. Mrs. Ward along with three other teachers will attend a social skills training by Rusty May in Butte this month.
Staff – nil.
Information Items:
- 2015-16 Audit Report is done. The report was distributed and the management letter was discussed.
- Continuous School Improvement Plan: Tami Ward shared the information in the report, which she has prepared for the State.
- Alarm System Upgrade: Necessary repairs were done this past week. The representative from Federal Protection will be forwarding future recommended upgrades in the next couple of weeks.
- Bus Stop Change – Fieldstone Drive/Church at Creston: The Fieldstone Homeowners Association requested permission from the Church at Creston to move our bus stop off the road and into their parking lot to alleviate traffic congestion at the highway. We have done so.
- 3110 STUDENTS – Entrance, Placement, and Transfer (policy revision). Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to accept the revisions as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 3125 STUDENTS – Education of Homeless Children (policy revision). Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to accept the revisions as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 3210 STUDENTS – Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity (policy revision). Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 3300 STUDENTS – Suspension and Expulsion – Corrective Actions and Punishment (policy revision). Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to accept the revisions as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- 4300F COMMUNITY RELATIONS – School Facilities/Grounds Use & Liability Release (policy revision). Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5010 PERSONNEL – Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination (policy revision). Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 2150 INSTRUCTION – Suicide Awareness and Prevention (New Policy). Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 3121 STUDENTS – Enrollment and Attendance Records (New Policy). Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5120 PERSONNEL – Hiring Process and Criteria (New Policy). Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5220 PERSONNEL – Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse (New Policy). Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5420 PERSONNEL – Paraprofessionals (New Policy). Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 5420F PERSONNEL – ESSA Qualification Notifications (New Policy). Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
- 8100 NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS – Transportation (New Policy). Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to table a decision on this policy to the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
2nd Grade Presentation: At 8:25 a.m. students from 2nd grade sang a song about the life cycle of a pumpkin, shared pumpkin cookies and Mrs. Johnson told a bit about the science they are learning this fall.
Consideration of Action Items:
- Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to accept the Pasture Lease Agreement as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to approve the Personal Services Contract with Kelly Boswell for teacher professional development. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to approve the Crossroads Interlocal Agreement. Motion passed unanimously.
- Julie Tikka moved and JoAnna Massie seconded to accept the Creston-Bigfork Interlocal Bus Agreement as presented with a change to the heading to reflect Bigfork School. Motion passed unanimously.
- JoAnna Massie moved and Julie Tikka seconded to approve the Winter Sidewalk Protocol. Motion passed unanimously.
- Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to approve the transportation contracts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
- Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to acknowledge receipt of the attendance agreements for students living in the Creston School District and attending elsewhere. Motion passed unanimously.
- Julie Tikka moved and Nancy Keeton seconded to approve the attendance agreement of a student choosing Creston School District as district of placement. Motion passed unanimously.
- Nancy Keeton moved and Julie Tikka seconded to approve the Gym Use Request for the Girl Scouts as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Payroll/Substitutes/Claims: The Board approved all claims for November 2017.
Next Meeting(s) Date:
- 5 December 2017 at 7:30 am.
Meeting adjourned at 8:38 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Bartos Matt Hartle
District Clerk Chairman